Journal RDF
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- Reproductive Biomedicine Online
- Reproductive Sciences
- Reproductive Toxicology
- Res Philosophica
- Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics
- Research
- Research & Politics
- Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Research and Reports in Biochemistry
- Research Evaluation
- Research Ideas and Outcomes
- Research in African Literatures
- Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance
- Research in Higher Education
- Research in Learning Technology
- Research in Microbiology
- Research in Multi-Level Issues
- Research in Organizational Behavior
- Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
- Research in Science and Technological Education
- Research in Science Education
- Research in Social Problems and Public Policy
- Research in Social Stratification and Mobility: a research annual
- Research in the Sociology of Organizations
- Research in the Teaching of English
- Research in Transportation Business and Management
- Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
- Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation
- Research on Aging: an international bimonthly journal