Physical Review Letters
Physical Review Materials
Physical Review Physics Education Research
Physical Review Research
Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams
Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research
Physical Review X
Physical review. A, General physics
Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Reviews
Physician assistant (American Academy of Physician Assistants)
Physics - Spotlighting Exceptional Research
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part C Solar Terrestrial and Planetary Science
Physics Education
Physics in Medicine and Biology
Physics in Perspective
Physics Letters A: General Physics, Nonlinear Science, Statistical Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics, Plasma and Fluid Physics, Condensed Matter, Cross-disciplinary Physics, Biological Physics, Nanosciences, Quantum Physics
Physics Letters B: Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
Physics of Fluids
Physics of Fluids
Physics of Fluids B
Physics of fluids. A, Fluid dynamics
Physics of Life Reviews
Physics of Plasmas
Physics of the Dark Universe