Journal RDF
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- Polymers
- Polymers for Advanced Technologies
- Popular Music
- Population and Development Review
- Population and Environment
- Population bulletin
- Population Ecology
- Population Health Metrics
- Population index
- Population Research and Policy Review
- Population Studies: a journal of demography
- Population, Space and Place
- Portal: journal of multidisciplinary international studies
- portal: Libraries and the Academy
- Portugaliae Mathematica
- Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies
- Portuguese Studies
- Positioning
- Positions: Asia critique
- Positivity: an international journal devoted to the theory and applications of positivity in analysis
- Post Script (Commerce): essays in film and the humanities
- Post-Soviet Affairs
- Post45
- Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies
- Postmodern Culture: an electronic journal of interdisciplinary criticism
- Poultry Science
- Powder Diffraction
- Powder Technology
- Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation
- Practical Diabetes