Journal RDF
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- Society of General Physiologists series
- Society: social science and modern society
- Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
- Sociologica: Italian journal of sociology on line
- Sociological Focus
- Sociological Forum: official journal of the Eastern Sociological Society
- Sociological Inquiry
- Sociological Methodology
- Sociological Methods and Research
- Sociological Perspectives
- Sociological Quarterly
- Sociological Science
- Sociological Spectrum: official journal of the Mid-South Sociological Association
- Sociological Theory
- Sociology
- Sociology and social research
- Sociology Compass
- Sociology of Development
- Sociology of Education: a journal of research in socialization and social structure
- Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology
- Sociology of Islam
- Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
- Sociology of Religion
- Socius
- Soft Computing
- Soft Matter
- Soft Robotics
- Software Impacts
- Software: Practice and Experience