Course RDF
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- EDUA 5015 - Envisioning Equitable Teaching and Learning in Science
- EDUA 5016 - Designing Meaningful and Equitable Science Assessments
- EDUA 5017 - Leadership in Creating Equitable Assessment Systems in Science
- EDUA 5018 - Leading in Schools and Systems for Transformation in Science Assessment: Capstone
- EDUA 5019 - Compassion and Dignity for Educators: Awareness and Intention
- EDUA 5020 - Self-Compassion and Dignity
- EDUA 5021 - Compassion In Fullness
- EDUA 5022 - Compassion In Action: Capstone
- EDUA 5023 - Inquiry-based Pedagogy: How Questions, Dilemmas, and Problems Matter for Learning
- EDUA 5024 - Inquiry-Based Pedagogies: Inquiry Within and Across Different Disciplines and Com
- EDUA 5025 - Inquiry-Based Pedagogies: Designing and Facilitating Inquiry-Based Learning Exper
- EDUA 5026 - Inquiry-Based Pedagogies Capstone: Leading for Pedagogical Growth through Practit
- EDUA 5027 - Introduction to Inclusive and Special Education
- EDUA 5028 - Creating and Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments
- EDUA 5029 - Strategies for Inclusive Teaching
- EDUA 5030 - Capstone: Leadership in Inclusive and Special Education
- EDUA 5031 - Teacher Leadership and Learning: Professional Learning Communities in Schools and
- EDUA 5032 - Instructional Coaching in Schools and Districts
- EDUA 5033 - Teacher Led-Networks: Teacher Leaders within Networks of Advocacy
- EDUA 5034 - Capstone: Teachers Leading Change in Action
- EDUA 5800 - Special Topics
- EDUC 1001 - Humanities Teaching for Equity: Naming
- EDUC 1020 - First Year Success at CU
- EDUC 1080 - Decolonizing Education: Design for New Futures
- EDUC 1580 - Energy and Interactions
- EDUC 2001 - Humanities Teaching for Equity: Noticing
- EDUC 2015 - Elementary Mathematics and Science Teaching for Social Justice
- EDUC 2020 - Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching STEM
- EDUC 2030 - Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design
- EDUC 2035 - Designing STEM Learning Environments and Experiences