Course RDF
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- ECEN 2250 - Introduction to Circuits and Electronics
- ECEN 2260 - Circuits as Systems
- ECEN 2270 - Electronics Design Lab
- ECEN 2310 - Programming with Mathematical Software
- ECEN 2350 - Digital Logic
- ECEN 2370 - Embedded Software Engineering
- ECEN 2420 - Electronics for Wireless Systems
- ECEN 2440 - Application of Embedded Systems
- ECEN 2450 - Electronic and Semiconductor Device Laboratory
- ECEN 2703 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineers
- ECEN 3003 - Special Topics
- ECEN 3004 - Special Topics
- ECEN 3010 - Circuits and Electronics for Mechanical Engineers
- ECEN 3030 - Electrical/Electronic Circuits Non-Major
- ECEN 3070 - Edges of Science
- ECEN 3170 - Electromagnetic Energy Conversion 1
- ECEN 3250 - Microelectronics
- ECEN 3300 - Linear Systems
- ECEN 3301 - Biomedical Signals and Systems
- ECEN 3303 - Introduction to Robotics
- ECEN 3320 - Semiconductor Devices
- ECEN 3350 - Programming Digital Systems
- ECEN 3400 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- ECEN 3410 - Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission
- ECEN 3593 - Computer Organization
- ECEN 3730 - Practical Printed Circuit Board Design and Manufacture
- ECEN 3753 - Real-Time Operating Systems
- ECEN 3810 - Introduction to Probability Theory
- ECEN 3915 - Foundations of Quantum Engineering
- ECEN 4000 - Special Topics