Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation on an Uncertain Map Using a Particle Filter
- Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation on an Uncertain Map Using a Particle Filter
- Vision-Based Navigation for Airfield Surface Operation
- Vision-based road-following using a small autonomous aircraft
- Vision-Driven
- Visions of a Discipline: Analyzing Introductory AI Courses on YouTube
- Visual Acuity of Flying Snakes: Behavioral Responses to Optokinetic Stimuli
- Visual Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Trends in Time-Dependent Ensemble Data Sets on the Example of the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Visual behavior in flying snakes: measurement and exploration with virtual reality
- Visual Content Considered Private by People Who are Blind
- Visual motion integration compared with motion discrimination in schizophrenic patients and their biological relatives
- Visual Representations of Disaster
- Visual Representations of Disaster (Archival Conference with Journal-Style Revision Cycle)
- Visualising the Deformation Mechanisms beneath Shallow Foundations
- Visualising typological relationships: Plotting wals with heat maps
- Visualization of Intended Assistance for Acceptance of Shared Control
- Visualization-Driven Structural and Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Flows
- Visualizing both nucleosome disassembly and reassembly during FACT chaperone activity
- Visualizing Eye Tracking Convex Hull Areas: A Pilot Study for Understanding How Craft Workers Interpret 2D Construction Drawings
- Visualizing labor and business testimony before Congress
- Visualizing Planetary Magnetic Fields (and Why You Should Care)
- Visualizing Student Game Design Project Similarities
- Visualizing the three-dimensional structure of the local interstellar medium and possible physical causes for this structure
- Visualizing the Unseen Design Work of Educators
- Visualizing Uncertainty in Multi-Source Mental Health Data
- Visually Encoding the Lived Experience of Bipolar Disorder
- Vivaldi antenna arrays for SKA
- Viviendo aquĆ: Designing for transformative agency through museum exhibit curation with Latinx youth
- VizWiz Grand Challenge: Answering Visual Questions from Blind People