Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Verification of Approximate Opacity via Barrier Certificates
- Verification of Automotive Control Applications using S-TaLiRo
- Verification of delayed-reset domino circuits using ATACS
- Verification of Diagnosability for Cyber-Physical Systems via Hybrid Barrier Certificates
- Verification of digitally-intensive analog circuits via kernel ridge regression and hybrid reachability analysis
- Verification of RUC surface forecasts at major US airport hubs
- Verification of RUC-2 and Eta model precipitation forecasts
- Verification of RUC-2 and Eta model precipitation forecasts
- Verification of RUC2 precipitation forecasts using the NCEP multisensor analysis
- Verification of Switched Stochastic Systems via Barrier Certificates
- Verification of timed circuits with failure directed abstractions
- Verification of timed systems using POSETs
- Verified Path Following Using Neural Control Lyapunov Functions
- Verifying Conformance of Neural Network Models.
- Verifying Indistinguishability of Privacy-Preserving Protocols
- Vernier Si-Photonic Phased Array Transceiver for Grating Lobe Suppression and Extended Field-of-View
- Versatile micro-fabricated mirrors with finesse > 700,000
- Vertical Integration of UAV Senior Projects in the Curriculum 2000
- Vertical profiles of ozone concentrations and ozone advection fluxes in Southern California measured by the ETL ozone lidar
- Vertically pointing profilers used to calibrate and monitor the reflectivity estimated by scanning radars
- Vertically resolved aerosol optical properties over the ARM SGP site
- Very long-term frequency stability: Estimation using a special-purpose statistic
- VI-SLAM for Subterranean Environments
- Viability of Virtual Cloud Providers (13.46% Acceptance Rate)
- Vibration and sound radiation from a sandwich cylindrical shell with prismatic core
- Vibration sensitivity of microwave components
- Vibration Sensitivity of Optical Components: A Survey
- Vibration-induced PM noise in oscillators and measurements of correlation with vibration sensors'
- Vibration-induced PM noise measurements of a rigid optical fiber spool