The Effect of Reactive Resonance on Collision Observables
The effect of zero chains on the complexity of contact schemes
The Effectiveness of TestāBased Reforms
The effects of contextual interference on the acquisition and retention of logical rules
The Effects of Elections, Economics, and External Shocks on the Budgetary Ledger
The Effects of Elections, Economics, and International Shocks on the Expenditure Pie
The Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Chemical Reaction Rates in Biological Systems
The Effects of Explosive Volcanism on Ancient Egalitarian, Ranked, and Stratified Societies in Middle America
The Effects of Explosive Volcanism on Simple to Complex Societies in Ancient Middle America
The Effects of Familiarity on Reconstructing the Order of Information in Semantic and Episodic Memory
The Effects of Heterogeneous Stellar Surfaces on the Analysis of Exoplanet Transit Light Curves and Spectra
The Effects of Jurisdiction Types and Numbers on Local Public Finance
The effects of moods and discrete emotions on negotiator behavior
The effects of others' genes: maternal and other indirect genetic effects
The effects of political and economic transformations on children: The environment.
The Effects of Public Sector Unions on Payroll, Employment and Municipal Budgets
The Effects of Ritual Healing Among Female Victims of Abuse: A Study of Empowerment and Transformation
The EGFR/ERBB Receptor Family
The El Teniente Megabreccia Deposit, the World's Largest Copper Deposit
The Electrodynamics of Charged dust in the Cometary Environment
The electromyogram is not a measure of the neural drive to motor neurons
The Electronic Church as Therapeutic Community
The Electronic Structure, Fermi Surface, and Pseudogap in Manganites
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem and Equivalent Hard Problems for Elliptic Divisibility Sequences
The elusive climate signal in the isotopic composition of precipitation
The Emergence of Complex Imagery on Late Terminal Formative Gray Ware Pottery from Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico
The Emerging Field of Positive Emotion Dysregulation
The Encyclopedia of Empire
The End of the Line: Africa, Death, and Freedom in Caribbean Cinema
The End of the Strong State? On the Evolution of Japanese Tax Policy