Spills of Diluted Bitumen from Pipelines A Comparative Study of Environmental Fate, Effects, and Response Summary
Spin-Orbit Interactions in Ruddlesden-Popper Phases Srn+1IrnO3n+1 (n = 1, 2, and ∞)
Spinning Yarns in Decameron IV.7
Spirit and Force: Court and Conscience in the Reign of Maria de Luna (1396-1406)
Spline-based methods for turbulence
Splintering Citizenship and the Prospects for Democratic Inclusion
Splintering South: Ecologically Unequal Exchange Theory in a Fragmented Global Climate
Spots of time: Manifold ways of being in nature in childhood.
Sprache und Geschichte im Afrika
Spread of Democracy and International Peace: Some Concerns and Suggestions
Sr, Nd, Pb and 0 isotopic composition of Late Cenozoic volcanics, the northernmost SVZ (33-34 S)
Stability and Flexibility: Maintaining Relations within Organized and Unorganized Groups
Stability of high speed rotating Couette flow
Stability of Structures
Stabilization of staggered solution procedures for fluid-structure interaction analysis
Stable carbon isotope and molar microwear variability of South African australopiths in relation to paleohabitats and taxonomy
Stable hydrogen isotope ratios in plants: A review of current theory and some potential applications
Stable isotope measurements of atmospheric CO2 and CH4
Stable isotope records from Greenland deep ice cores: the climate signal and the role of diffusion
Staffing issues in the high technology industry
Staging Baillie
Staging Culture: Senghor, Malraux and the Theatre Programme at the First World Festival of Negro Arts
Staging Folly in the Dutch Republic, France, and England
Stakeholders and negotiating the new social contracts: A communication theory perspective
STAMINA 2.0: Improving Scalability of Infinite-State Stochastic Model Checking
STAMINA in C plus plus : Modernizing an Infinite-State Probabilistic Model Checker
Stan Brakhage: The 60th Birthday Interview
Stand dynamics in Chilean Nothofagus forests