Summary and Conclusions
Summary of Reported Methods
Super Polluters
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Assisted Aerosolization for Thin Film Deposition, Fine Powder Generation and Drug Delivery
Supermassive Black Hole Pairs and Binaries
Superposed epoch analysis of magnetospheric substorms using solar wind, auroral zone, and geostationary orbit data sets
Supporting activity in desktop and ubiquitous computing
Supporting Diverse and Creative Collaboration in the Scratch Online Community
Supporting equity in schools: Using visual learning analytics to understand learners’ classroom experiences
Supporting Teacher Learning Through Design, Technology, and Open Educational Resources
Supporting Use of Data and Evidence From Early Warning Indicator Systems in Research-Practice Partnerships
Sure Can Sing and Dance: Minstrelsy, the Star System, and the Post-postcoloniality of Kenneth Branagh's Love's Labour's Lost and Trevor Nunn's Twelfth Night
Surface Desires Reading Female Friendship in the Epistolary Archive
Surface modification for silicon anodes
Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides in Nonlinear Optical Polymer
Surface Science Studies Relevant for Metal-catalyzed Biorefining Reactions
Surface Water Hydrology
Surface wave tomographic study of Central Asia tectonic regimes
Surrealismo francês, surrealismo português ou ’a rua André Breton está sempre a mudar de rua
Survey Measures of Health: How well do self-reported and observed indicators measure health and predict mortality?
Survival through Generosity: Property Rights and Hunting Practices of Native Americans
Surviving Catastrophe: A Study of Children in Hurricane Katrina
Susan Moller Okin and the Challenge of Essentialism
Susan Moller Okin,Justice, Gender, and the Family
Susana Hernández's Crime Fiction and Resolution Through Resistance
Suspended organisms and biological carbon flux along the lower Orinoco River
Suspended-sediment budget for the Orinoco River