Journal Article
"United We Suffer: Sixteenth-Century Anabaptism and Twentieth-Century Auslandsdeutschtum in M. V. Rubatscher’s Das Lutherische Joggele.”
“Us Boys like to Read Football and Boy Stuff”: Reading Masculinities, Performing Boyhood
"Very Fine People on Both Sides:" Diverse Viewpoints, Truth, and Free Speech on Campus
"Virtual Music," by David Cope
“Visions for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-32.”
“W” Stands for Women: Feminism and Security Rhetoric in the Post-9/11 Bush Administration
"Wanderstrassen der Kultur": Die Aby Warburg-Fritz Saxl Korrespondenz 1920 bis 1929
“Want me to show you?”: Emergent bilingual preschoolers’ multimodal resourcing in show-and-tell activity
“We Are Animal. So What?”
"We Are Farkhunda": Geographies of Violence, Protest, and Performance
"We Are Here FM"
"We are Researchers, but we are also Humans": Creating a Design Space for Managing Graduate Student Stress
"We don't say that word out loud": a grounded practical theory for analyzing difficult data in language and social interaction classrooms
"We Moved Her Too Soon": Navigating Guilt Among Adult Child and Spousal Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia Following a Move Into Residential Long-Term Care
"WE MUST TALK ABOUT COLOGNE" Race, Gender, and Reconfigurations of "Europe"
“We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone.”
"We Told You that's How They Are": Responses To White Women in Abusive Intimate Relationships with Men of Color
"We'll Always Have Paris": Out-of-Country Buyers in the Housing Market
"We'll Figure a Way": Teenage Mothers' Experiences in Shifting Social and Economic Contexts
“We’re changing the system with this one”: Black students using critical race algorithmic literacies to subvert and survive AI-mediated racism in school
"We're Gonna Figure This Out": First-Generation Students and Academic Libraries
"We’ve lost the basics”: Professionals’ perceptions of journalism education
"Wear It Loud": How and Why Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant Users Customize Their Devices
"Well, Ordinarily I Would, But": Reexamining the Nature of Accounts for Problematic Events
"What are you and where are you from?" - Race, identity and the vicissitudes of cultural relevance
"What Counts" as Research? Comparing Policy Guidelines to the Evidence Education Leaders Report as Useful
"What Happens to Country" in Blood Meridian
"What the Hell Is This, and Who the Hell Are You?" Role and Identity Negotiation in Research-Practice Partnerships
"What We Breathe Impacts Our Health: Improving Understanding of the Link between Air Pollution and Health"
"What's on the worker's mind": Class passing and the study of the industrial workplace in the 1920s