Journal Article
"Hey, Can You Add Captions?": The Critical Infrastructuring Practices of Neurodiverse People on TikTok
"His Own Man: Harry Mathews"
"How can experience of local residents be "knowledge"?' Challenges in interdisciplinary climate change research
"How Do You Quantify How Racist Something Is?": Color-Blind Moderation in Decentralized Governance
"How to Help High Achievers Overcome Imposter Syndrome"
"How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm, After They've Seen Paree?" World War I Overseas Military Service and Rural Americans' Postwar Occupational Mobility
"Human Capacity Widely Distributed" An Essay in Honor of Patricia Carini
“Hybrid Mind”
"I Am an Engineer AND": A Mixed Methods Study of Socially Engaged Engineers
“I Believe in Socialism as Well as Democracy”: Du Bois’s Discourse on, and Development of, Democratic Socialism Both before and after In Battle for Peace
"I Can't Take Any Chances": A Mixed Methods Study of Frailty, Isolation, Worry, and Loneliness Among Aging Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic
“I Didn't Do Anything Important”: A Pragmatist Analysis of the Oral History Interview
“I don't like to live nowhere but here”: The shelter as mediator of U.S. homeless youth's identity formation
“I guess it would be a good shock”: A qualitative examination of homeless youths' diverse pregnancy attitudes
"I just can't go back": Challenging Places for Older Americans since the COVID-19 Pandemic Onset
"I just want her to be happy and healthy": Deploying broad understandings of health in class-privileged parenting
"I know what you did": Associations between relationship satisfaction and reported and suspected extramarital sex
"I Like to Read, but I Know I'm Not Good at It": Children's Perspectives on High-Stakes Testing in a High-Poverty School
"I want to be good; I just don't get it:" A fourth-grader's entrance into a literacy community
"I Wish All the Ladies Were Holes in the Road": The US Air Force Academy and the Gendered Continuum of Violence
“I wonder why they don’t do the two-way”: Disrupting the one-way/two-way dichotomy, re-envisioning the possibilities of dual language bilingual education
"I Wouldn't Say I'm a Feminist, But..
"I'll Be There for You": Teen Parents' Coparenting Relationships
“I’m kind of a rebel here”: Documenting the greatest challenges of bilingual teachers during a pandemic
"If Equity's In, We're Out": Scope for Fairness in the Next Global Climate Agreement
"Illegitimate" Pantomime in the "Legitimate" Theater: Context as Text
“In between work and school”: Youth perspectives of an urban afterschool multimedia literacy program
“In the End, Our Message Weighs”: <em>Blood Run</em>, NAGPRA, and American Indian Identity
“In the Interest of the Volk…”: Nazi-German Paternity Suits and Racial Recategorization in the Munich Superior Courts, 1938–1945
“In These Towns, Mexicans Are Classified as Negroes”