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- HIST 1011 - Greeks, Romans, Kings & Crusaders: European History to 1600
- HIST 1012 - Empire, Revolution and Global War: European History Since 1600
- HIST 1015 - American History to 1865
- HIST 1018 - Introduction to Early Latin American History to 1810
- HIST 1025 - American History since 1865
- HIST 1028 - Introduction to Modern Latin American History since 1800
- HIST 1051 - The World of the Ancient Greeks
- HIST 1061 - The Rise and Fall of Ancient Rome
- HIST 1113 - Introduction to British History to 1660
- HIST 1218 - Introduction to Sub-Saharan African History to 1850
- HIST 1228 - Introduction to Sub-Saharan African History Since 1800
- HIST 1308 - Introduction to Middle Eastern History
- HIST 1438 - Episodes in Korean History
- HIST 1518 - The History of India from Aryans to Maratha Warriors, 2500 BCE-1757 CE
- HIST 1528 - Introduction to South Asian History since 1757
- HIST 1618 - Great Wall Exchange: China and the Nomadic Conquerors, 500 BC � 1500 AD
- HIST 1628 - Introduction to Chinese History since 1644
- HIST 1708 - Japan from Clay Pots to Robots
- HIST 1800 - Introduction to Global History
- HIST 1828 - Jewish History Since 1492
- HIST 1830 - Global History of Holocaust and Genocide
- HIST 2015 - US Revolutionary Origins
- HIST 2100 - Revolution in History
- HIST 2110 - Living the Revolution
- HIST 2166 - The Vietnam Wars
- HIST 2170 - History of Christianity 1: To the Reformation
- HIST 2220 - History of War and Society
- HIST 2316 - History of American Popular Culture
- HIST 2326 - Issues in the History of U.S. Society and Culture
- HIST 2437 - African American History