Course RDF
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- INFO 3402 - Information Exposition
- INFO 3501 - Investigations in Information Science: Open Collaboration
- INFO 3502 - Online Communities
- INFO 3504 - Digital Identity
- INFO 3505 - Designing for Creative Learning
- INFO 3506 - Investigations in Information Science: Online Fandom
- INFO 3509 - Personal Health Informatics
- INFO 3510 - Music as Information
- INFO 3702 - Cognitive Science
- INFO 4001 - Information Science Portfolio and Professional Development
- INFO 4601 - Ethical and Policy Dimensions of Information and Technology
- INFO 4602 - Information Visualization
- INFO 4603 - Survey Research Design
- INFO 4604 - Applied Machine Learning
- INFO 4605 - Ethnographic Research in Applied Settings
- INFO 4606 - Critical Technical Practice
- INFO 4608 - Community-Based Design
- INFO 4609 - User-Centered Design
- INFO 4611 - Ubiquitous Computing Experience Design
- INFO 4613 - Network Science
- INFO 4620 - Race and Technology
- INFO 4652 - Statistical Programming in R
- INFO 4700 - Senior Capstone
- INFO 4747 - Defamiliarizing Data: The Ethnography and Design of Making Data Strange
- INFO 4871 - Special Topics
- INFO 4900 - Research Experience in Information Science
- INFO 5502 - Online Communities
- INFO 5504 - Digital Identity
- INFO 5505 - Designing for Creative Learning
- INFO 5506 - Investigations in Information Science: Online Fandom