Course RDF
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- ETHN 5001 - Screening Race, Class & Gender in the U.S. and the Global Borderland
- ETHN 5009 - Chicana/os and Education
- ETHN 5102 - Special Topics in Africana Studies
- ETHN 5106 - Special Topics in Chicana and Chicano Studies
- ETHN 5233 - Native American and Indigenous Environmental Issues
- ETHN 5306 - The Chicana and Chicano and U.S. Social Systems
- ETHN 5714 - Sport for Social Justice
- ETHN 6000 - Foundations of Critical Ethnic Studies
- ETHN 6001 - Research Methods in Critical Ethnic Studies
- ETHN 6002 - Professionalization Seminar in Comparative Ethnic Studies
- ETHN 6011 - Race and Sexuality Studies
- ETHN 6100 - Race and Citizenship in U.S. History and Culture
- ETHN 6101 - Topics: Specialized Comparative Studies
- ETHN 6103 - Indigenous Thought and Theory: Foundations in NAIS
- ETHN 6110 - Adv Tpcs: Chicana/o Studies: US/Mexico Borderlands
- ETHN 6301 - Decolonial/Postcolonial Theory
- ETHN 6501 - Critical Race Theory: Soc Scnc Explrtn/Intrvntn into Crit Race St
- ETHN 6841 - Advanced Directed Readings in Ethnic Studies
- EVEN 1000 - Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- EVEN 2004 - Introduction to Global Engineering
- EVEN 2909 - Introduction to Global Engineering
- EVEN 3012 - Thermodynamics for Environmental Science and Engineering
- EVEN 3414 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
- EVEN 3550 - Sustainability Principles for Engineers
- EVEN 3650 - Sustainable Energy Systems Analysis
- EVEN 4100 - Environmental Sampling and Analysis
- EVEN 4404 - Water Chemistry
- EVEN 4414 - Water Chemistry Laboratory
- EVEN 4424 - Environmental Organic Chemistry
- EVEN 4434 - Environmental Engineering Design