Chapter RDF
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- Coastal Complexity and Predictions of Change
- Coastal Morphodynamics and Ecosystem Dynamics
- Coastal Systems in the Anthropocene
- Coating Fine Iron Particles with an Oxidation-Resistance y-Alumina Nanolayer using ALD in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
- Cocaine Addiction and Adenosine A(1) and A(2A) Receptors
- Cockroach mating systems
- Code-switching, agency, and the answer possibility space of Spanish-English bilinguals
- Code‐Switching, Identity, and Globalization
- Codificacion Regulatoria en los Estados Unidos
- Coding locative predication in Chadic
- Coding of the reciprocal function
- Coffee shop Islam: Salafyo Costa and the promise of a unified Egypt
- Cognition
- Cognition, Fear and Praxis: A Response to Children of Men
- Cognitive and behavioral treatment of depression
- Cognitive and Learning Impairments
- Cognitive and learning impairments.
- Cognitive Architecture and the Semantics of Belief
- Cognitive Development, Connectionalist Models
- Cognitive developmental from infancy to middle childhood
- Cognitive disabilities
- Cognitive Dissonance in the Economics of Patent Protection, Trade, and Development
- Cognitive Linguistics
- Cognitive processes in communication between pilots and air traffic control
- Cognitive walkthroughs
- Coherent Vortices and Tracer Transport
- Cohesion in Hopi Narrative
- Coleman Dowell
- Coleridge and Science
- Coleridge and the Theatre