Argument Suppression in Lakhota
Argumentation in small group decision-making
Aristocratic Women in Japan
Aristophanes; Catharsis
Arming Slaves and Helots in Classical Greece
Ars Poetica and Manifestos
Art and Aesthetic Theory
Art and Architecture--Colonial Latin America
Art and National Development: The Nigerian Experience in Perspective
Art, Activism, and Justice: Disrupting the Silence of Femicide in Ciudad Juarez
Arte y personalidad de Ramón Goy de Silva
Artefacts for collaborative research with youth
Articles and various notations
Articles on the following: Concubinage, Familia Caesaris, Freedmen, Roman Manumission, Roman, Miners, Peculium, Spartacus
Articulating Indigenous Statehood: Cherokee State Formation and; Implications for the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Artifact Assemblages at the Salmon Site
Artificial intelligence and the First Amendment
Artificial Neural Networks for Determining Magnetospheric Conditions
Asia Minor
Asian American Activism and Civic Participation/Battling for Political Rights, and Citizenship; Securing Full Citizenship
Asian American Movement
Asian American Protest Movements
Asian Indian Exclusion
Aspect Selectors and Contextual Operators: An Analysis of by Temporal Adjuncts
Aspectos Socioeconomicos de la Mitigacion del Peligro
Aspects of subordination in Lakhota and Wichita
Assemblage variability in Beringia: The mesa factor
Assembling the City: Monte Albán as a Mountain of Creation and Sustenance.
Assembling the City: Monte Albán as a Mountain of Creation and; Sustenance.