Conference Proceeding RDF
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- "We Are the Product"
- "We will never forget you [online]"
- "Will it Stick? Exploring the Sustainability of Computational Thinking Education Through Game Design,"
- "With most of it being pictures now, I rarely use it": Understanding Twitter's Evolving Accessibility to Blind Users
- “With or without you”: Relationships and taking stock of their influence on work identity
- “Without Legal Authority: Lynching of Mexicans in the Texas Borderlands, 1910-1920"
- "You don't do your hobby as a job": Stereotypes of Computational Labor and their Implications for CS Education
- #Bigbirds Never Die: Understanding Social Dynamics of Emergent Hashtags
- $B_s to K ellν$ Form Factors with 2+1 Flavors
- <title>Inversion Of The Generalized Radon Transform</title>
- <title>Novel fibers for pulse compression and generation</title>
- <title>Precision Measurements By Optical Heterodyne Techniques</title>
- ''I'm not just a mom'': Parents developing multiple roles in creative computing. (Nominated for best paper and best student paper)
- ''Why is a raven like a writing desk?'' Lessons in interface consistency and analogical reasoning from two cognitive architectures
- 'A Guiding Light in a Virtual Haven': A Preliminary Analysis of Conversations Around Navigating and Repairing Self-worth in an Online Professional Community forWomen
- 'Engineering for Global Development' in Academic Institutions: An Initial Review of Learning Opportunities Across Four Global Regions
- ‘Going Outside for Fresh Air, Sunshine and Walking’: A Qualitative Analysis of US Older Adults’ Therapeutic Landscapes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ‘I’m not a Scientist’: community knowledge-sharing during uncertainty: induced seismicity and hydraulic fracturing
- 'Incorporating Observation Uncertainty into Reinforcement Learning-Based Spacecraft Guidance Schemes
- 'Is' to 'Was': Coordination and Commemoration on Posthumous Wikipedia Biographies
- (F)actors of Water Projects: Sustaining Services through Collaborative Systems Approaches
- (How) will the revolution be retweeted?: information diffusion and the 2011 Egyptian uprising
- (Infra)structures of Volunteering
- (Invited) Combustion and Environmental Science Applications of Fieldable Frequency Combs
- (Invited) Combustion diagnostics and chemical sensing with frequency comb lasers
- (invited) Deep Structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust and Indian Mantle From Structural Imaging, Geodetic Modeling, and Seismicity
- (Invited) Dual Comb Outdoor Spectroscopy for Complex Molecular Response Retrieval
- (Invited) Dual-Comb spectroscopy for GHG quantification
- (Invited) Frequency Comb Measurements Through Turbulent Paths
- (Invited) Localizing Gas Sources with Kilometer-scale Open-path Dual-comb Spectroscopy and High-resolution Transport Modeling