Conference Proceeding RDF
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- A Soft Lithography Route to Nanopatterned Photovoltaic Devices
- A Soft Pneumatic Actuator that Can Sense Grasp and Touch
- A Soft, Amorphous Skin that can Sense and Localize Textures
- A software approach to access ultra-wide band interference on GPS receivers
- A software architecture for parallel finite element computation
- A Software Debugger for E-textiles and Arduino (Short Paper Poster)
- A Software Debugger for E-textiles and Arduino Microcontrollers
- A software defined radio application utilizing modern FPGAs and NOC interconnects
- A software-based receiver sampling frequency calibration technique and its application in GPS signal quality monitoring
- A Software-Based Receiver Sampling Frequency Calibration Technique and its Application in GPS Signal Quality Monitoring
- A Solar Data Model for Use in Virtual Observatories
- A solar resource measurement network for solar intermittency at high spatio-temporal resolution
- A solar sail integrated simulation toolkit
- A solder self-assembled large angular displacement torsional electrostatic micromirror
- A solder self-assembled torsional micromirror array
- A sounding rocket payload for X-ray observations of the Cygnus Loop
- A source-to-sink approach of the Congo System since 200 ka. Part II: water and sediment delivery simulated with HydroTrend.
- A space qualified application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) containing 8x24 bit counters and shift registers.
- A sparse multiresolution stochastic approximation for uncertainty quantification
- A Spectral Model for Evaluating the Effect of Wind Evolution on Wind Turbine Preview Control
- A spectroscopic search for oscillations in the 769.9 nm potassium line of Procyon
- A spectroscopic study on SrS : Cu,Ag two-component electroluminescent phosphors
- A Spiral Antenna for Amplitude-Only Direction Finding
- A Spiral Frequency Steerable Acoustic Transducer for SHM
- A standard-cell self-timed multiplier for energy and area critical synchronous systems
- A State-Space Model for Understanding Spatial Dynamics Represented by Areal Data
- A state-time formulation for multibody systems dynamics simulation, Part II: Parallel implementation
- A Statistical Evaluation of WRF-LES Trace Gas Dispersion Using Project Prairie Grass Measurements
- A step toward data assimilation in solar wind research