Conference Proceeding
Modeling the Microscopic to Macroscopic Dynamics of Actively Streaming Microtubule Suspensions
Modeling the Near-Surface Shear Layer: Diffusion Schemes Studied With CSS
Modeling the relationships between aerosol properties and the direct and indirect effects of aerosols on climate
Modeling the Second Epidemiologic Transition in London: Patterns of Mortality and Frailty during Industrialization
Modeling the Serial Position Effect Using the Emergent Neural Network Simulation System
Modeling Topic Trends on the Social Web Using Temporal Signatures
Modeling uplift and fluid flow in fractures to determine the failure probability of concrete gravity dams
Modeling VCSEL characteristics using device and package models
Modeling Women's Elective Choices in Computing
Modeling, design, fabrication, and performance of bi-layer, mode 2, four-arm, cavity-backed, vertically fed, spiral antennas
Modeling, design, fabrication, and performance of rectangular μ-coaxial lines and components
Modeling, simulation, and optimization software framework for dynamic systems
Modelling astrophysical turbulent convection
Modelling gene assembly in ciliates
Modelling of organic field-effect transistors for technology and circuit design
Modelling of Wastewater Heat Recovery Heat Pump Systems
Modelling, Simulation, and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Fifth-Generation District Heating and Cooling Networks
Modelo de optimizacion para la gestion del mantenimiento de una infraestructura de edificacion
Models of coronal mass ejections: A review with a look to the future
Models of H-2 fluorescence in the UV spectrum of the CTTS TW HYA
Models used for the simulation and control of a segmented ultralight morphing rotor
Models Used for the Simulation and Control of a Segmented, Ultralight Morphing Rotor
Models, Devices, Properties, and Verification of Artificial Pancreas Systems
MoDEMS: Optimizing Edge Computing Migrations for User Mobility
MoDEMS: Optimizing Edge Computing Migrations For User Mobility
Moderated two panels: 1. "Migrations" and 2. "Narratives of the Self"
Moderation of the relationship between T. gondii seropositivity and impulsivity by dopamine precursors
Moderation of the Relationship between T. gondii Seropositivity and Impulsivity in Younger Men by the Phenylalanine-Tyrosine Ratio