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- EDUC 4425 - Introduction to Bilingual/Multicultural Education Course
- EDUC 4435 - Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies for Bilingual Learners Course
- EDUC 4455 - Methods of Biliteracy Instruction Course
- EDUC 4460 - Teaching and Learning Physics Course
- EDUC 4500 - Community-Based Research for Social Change Course
- EDUC 4513 - Education and Practice Course
- EDUC 4535 - Assessment for Bilingual Learners Course
- EDUC 4595 - Practicum for Bilingual/Multicultural and ELD Education Course
- EDUC 4610 - Becoming a Learning Assistant Course
- EDUC 4615 - Language Acquisition for Bilingual Learners Course
- EDUC 4620 - LA Mentoring I: Becoming a Mentor Course
- EDUC 4621 - Learning Assistant Mentoring in Practice: Building Inclusive Learning Communities Course
- EDUC 4625 - Methods of Teaching English Language Development Course
- EDUC 4630 - LA Mentoring II: Improving the Program Course
- EDUC 4706 - Assessment in Mathematics and Science Education Course
- EDUC 4710 - Elementary Student Teaching for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity 1 Course
- EDUC 4715 - Elementary Student Teaching Seminar Part 1 Course
- EDUC 4716 - Basic Statistical Methods Course
- EDUC 4720 - Elementary Student Teaching for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity 2 Course
- EDUC 4800 - Special Topics Course
- EDUC 4811 - Teaching and Learning Biology Course
- EDUC 4815 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Number Sense Course
- EDUC 4821 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Algebraic Thinking Course
- EDUC 4822 - Teaching and Learning Chemistry Course
- EDUC 4833 - Teaching and Learning Earth Systems Course
- EDUC 4835 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Geometry & Measurement Course
- EDUC 4844 - Teaching and Learning Computational Thinking Course
- EDUC 5001 - Framing Equity and Justice in the Humanities Classroom Course
- EDUC 5002 - Framing Equity and Justice in the STEM Classroom Course
- EDUC 5005 - Advanced Social Foundations of Education Course