Chapter RDF
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- Postmodern/Postwar and After: Introduction
- Postmodernism
- Postmodernism and critical approaches to organizations
- Postmodernism, Ethnography, and Communication Studies: Comments and a Case
- Postscript: The Assimilation and 'Tactics' of Nate
- Posttraumatic Epilepsy and Neurorehabilitation
- Postwar Japanese Language Literature” 戦後の日本語文学――在外日本人作家・在日外国人作家を中心に
- Potential and Critical Issues of Electric Vehicles Development
- Potential effects of a keystone species on the dynamics of sylvatic plague
- Potential Equity Concerns in REDD+ Planning and Implementation: A Case Study from Malawi
- Potentials For van der Waals Interaction in Nano-scale Computation
- Poverty and Violence
- Power amplifier approaches for high-efficiency and linearity
- Power Amplifier Design Principles
- Power and Harmonics in Nonsinusoidal Systems
- Power and Harmonics in Nonsinusoidal Systems
- Power and Policy: America's Choices in the Pacific Region
- Power and the Possibility of Generative Community Dialogue
- Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun: Mao and Red Army
- Power, Buildings, and Other Critical Networks: Integrated Multi-; System Operation
- Power, discourse, and the workplace: Reclaiming the critical tradition in communication studies in organizations
- Powerful Properties, Powerless Laws
- Powerful Properties, Powerless Laws
- Practical Considerations for Using AI models in Automated Scoring of Writing.
- Practice Upwards
- Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education
- Praxis-based environmental communication training Innovative activities for problem-solving
- Prayer as Performance: A Navajo Contribution to the Study of Prayer
- Prayers and Hymns, Curses and Imprecations: Rome
- Pre- and Early Colonial Igbo Worlds