Course RDF
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- ORGN 4020 - Hiring and Retaining Critical Human Resources
- ORGN 4030 - Managing Employee Reward Systems
- ORGN 4040 - Individual, Team, and Organizational Development
- ORGN 4100 - Global Business Ethics
- ORGN 4210 - Systems Thinking
- ORGN 4250 - Leadership Seminar
- ORGN 4300 - Leading Diverse and Inclusive Organizations
- ORMG 7310 - Seminar on Organizational Behavior
- ORMG 7320 - Doctoral Seminar: Organization Theory
- ORMG 7800 - Doctoral Proseminar: Management
- ORMG 7830 - Research Design and Methods in Management
- PACS 2500 - Introduction to Peace, Conflict and Security Studies
- PACS 3700 - Communication and Conflict Management
- PACS 3800 - Security Studies
- PACS 3850 - International Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
- PACS 3860 - Environmental Conflict and Conflict Resolution
- PACS 3870 - Nonviolent Civil Resistance: Movements and Strategies
- PACS 4500 - Senior Seminar: Research in Conflict Contexts
- PHIL 1000 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 1010 - Introduction to Western Philosophy: Ancient
- PHIL 1020 - Introduction to Western Philosophy: Modern
- PHIL 1030 - Introduction to Global Philosophy
- PHIL 1100 - Ethics
- PHIL 1160 - Introduction to Medical Ethics
- PHIL 1200 - Contemporary Social Problems
- PHIL 1350 - Knowledge, Mind, and Reality
- PHIL 1400 - Philosophy and the Sciences
- PHIL 1440 - Critical Thinking
- PHIL 1500 - Reading, Writing and Reasoning
- PHIL 1700 - Philosophy and the Arts