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Publications in VIVO

Laurenzo Coronel, Tomas

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • I am an artist, academic, and computer scientist working both physical and digital media, exploring the artistic construction of meaning and its relationship with power and politics. The construction of meaning is what makes us humans. Science, technology, and art approach this differently, and so my work transits different, yet complementary and interwoven paths. My research aims at contributing to a deeper understanding of the aesthetic, political, and social dimensions of technology through the creation of artistic and technological artefacts. While art is intrinsically deregulatory –it exists on its own epistemological framework– art with new technologies –or new media art– is in a unique position to reflect on contemporary sociotechnical issues. My current work explores the social, technical, and ethical dimensions of AI, the use of technology to capture and interpret collective memory, interactive art, and the intersections of music, filmmaking, and emerging technologies.


selected publications


courses taught

  • CMDP 2010 - Information, Media and Technology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Spring 2024
    Surveys the intertwined histories of information, media, and technology production and use through exploration of a shared topic. Examines the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts that underlie the movement toward a digital society. Enhances students� abilities to do research, write for multiple audiences, and create publicly-facing digital projects.
  • CMDP 3210 - Immersive and Emergent Media Histories
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
    Introduces students to the histories and theories of virtual and augmented reality and associated technologies. Examines how interactive media have changed the classical dynamics of human communication, allowing multidirectional, non-linear and multimedia practices. In this course, students will study the various aesthetic, narrative, emotional and cultural elements of VR, AR, and other emergent media.
  • CMDP 3510 - Critical Media Practices Workshop II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Training in narrow topics of media practices. Open to CMCI students and by permission of the instructor. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.
  • CMDP 3600 - Media Practices II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Focus on developing an understanding of the principles, forms and aesthetics of media production. Working in design groups on small-scale media preproduction and production exercises, screenings and critiques, students learn creative solutions to problems in realizing expressive media projects. Formerly CMDP 2600.


International Activities