in geographic grouping
has border with
International Activities
geographic focus of
Ahn, Natalie Distinguished Professor
Axelrad, Penina Joseph T. Negler Endowed Professor
Baker, Daniel N Distinguished Professor
Balaji, Rajagopalan Professor
Balch, Jennifer K. Associate Professor
Barker, Lecia Jane Associate Professor
Bielefeldt, Angela R Professor
Biggs, Betsey Assistant Professor
Black, August Assistant Professor
Bogatin, Eric Scholar In Residence
Boykoff, Max Professor
Briscoe, Georgia K Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus
Brooks, Cassandra Associate Professor
Buffington, Robert M. Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Carballo, Jeronimo Associate Professor
Chapin, Violeta Raquel Faculty Director of the Immigration and Citizenship Law Program
Citizenship Law Program
Cook-Martín, David Professor
Cremaschi, Alejandro M. Professor
Dabove, Juan Pablo Professor
DiNezio, Pedro Associate Professor
Dupre, Jill VanMatre Professor of Engineering Practice
Ellingson, Erica Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus
England, Ann Clinical Professor - 9 Months
Espinosa, Joaquin Maximiliano Visiting Assoc Professor
Farrelly, Rai Associate Teaching Professor
Ferris, David S Professor
Fobes, Alexander S. Associate Teaching Professor
Fornberg, Bengt Professor Emerita/Emeritus
France, Kevin Associate Professor
Goldstein, Donna M Professor
Greaney, Patrick Professor
Greenwood, Michael J Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Gunther, John G Professor
Hallstead, Susan Rita Associate Teaching Professor
Hynek, Brian Michael Professor
Ibarra Espinosa, Sergio Person
Jimenez, Jose Luis Distinguished Professor
Kane, Nolan Coburn Associate Professor
Kearnes, Keith A Professor
Kleeman, Faye Yuan Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Kleeman, Terry F Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Kociolek, John Patrick Professor
Labrecque, Joseph R. Teaching Assistant Professor
Laurenzo, Tomas Associate Professor
Lee, Craig M Person
Link, Chris Associate Professor
Long, Mary K Teaching Professor
McCain, Christy Professor
McNown, Lauri Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus
Melicher, Ronald W Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Molinaro, Nina L Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Montealegre, Jose Ramiro Professor
Narasimhan, Bhuvana Professor
Neupauer, Roseanna M. Professor
Norgaard, Rolf P Teaching Professor
Orosz Hunziker, Flor Assistant Professor
Pizzi, William T Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Poyton, Robert O Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Rast, Mark Peter Professor
Raymond, Chase Associate Professor
Regoli, Robert M Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Repasch, Marisa Person
Resasco, Julian Assistant Professor
Reznicek, Birdie C Teaching Associate Professor
Rinaldo, Rachel Ann Associate Professor
Robinson, Colene Flynn Clinical Professor
Samper, Jota Associate Professor
Schmidt, Steve Professor
Sharma, Anu Professor
Shepherd Macklin, JulieMarie Anjali Teaching Associate Professor
Smith, Stacey Dewitt Associate Professor
Sousa, Marcelo C Professor
Squillace, Mark Raphael J. Moses Professor of Natural Resources Law
Staffel, Julia Associate Professor
Stammerjohn, Sharon E Sr Research Associate
Stern, Charles R Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Stimilli, Davide Assoc Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Syvitski, Jaia Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Szendrei, Agnes Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Sánchez, Paul Sr Research Associate
Taylor, Scott Associate Professor
Taylor, William Assistant Professor
Thieman Dino, Angela Lea Teaching Associate Professor
Thompson, Jane E. Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus
Tir, Jaroslav Professor
Valdovino, Luis Hector Professor
Veblen, Thomas T Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Virden, Thomas W Lecturer
Werner, LJ Scholar In Residence
Willcutt, Erik G Professor
Wobbekind, Richard Associate Dean
Wustrow, Eric A. Associate Professor
Yoshinaga-Itano, Christine Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Zeiler, Tom Professor