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Acevedo-Munoz, Ernesto R Professor
Ardizzoni, Michela Associate Faculty Director of the Master of Arts in Media and Public Engagement
Attwa, Mona Farrag Teaching Assistant Professor
Bennett, John Knox Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Boykoff, Max Professor
Campbell, Kimberly D Teaching Assistant Professor
Catlos, Brian A. Professor
Dauverd, Celine Professor
Echchaibi, Nabil Professor
England, Ann Clinical Professor - 9 Months
Gunther, John G Professor
Klees, Rita Claire Scholar In Residence
Manno, Jesse J Associate Teaching Professor
McNown, Lauri Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus
Okigbo, Austin Chinagorom Associate Professor
Pasnau, Robert Professor
Regoli, Robert M Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Reznicek, Birdie C Teaching Associate Professor
Robinson, Colene Flynn Clinical Professor
Romanov, Artemi Professor
Safran, Rebecca J Professor
Samper, Jota Associate Professor
Sibley, Gabe Asst Professor Adjunct
Sirangelo, Mark N. Scholar In Residence
Strzepek, Kenneth Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Syvitski, Jaia Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Thompson, Jane E. Sr Instructor Emerita/Emeritus
Vance, Eric Associate Professor