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Publications in VIVO

Lynch, John G., Jr.

Distinguished Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Lynch studies the psychology of consumer decision-making with a focus on consumer financial decisions. His early work at Florida introduced concepts of decision-making based on memory versus external inputs and highlighted information processing below the level of conscious awareness. He put forth the first general theory explaining the relative weights of different cues in decisions. At Duke, he pioneered work on online retailing and established a program of research on intertemporal choice and planning, including a resource slack theory of discounting. His work since coming to CU in 2009 focussed on consumers' financial decision making; financial literacy and financial education; and validity issues in consumer research methodology.


  • consumer psychology, consumer financial decision making, internet marketing, validity issues in behavioral research methodology


selected publications

editor of


courses taught

  • BCOR 2201 - Principles of Marketing
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Focuses on developing a core marketing toolkit for future business professionals. The tools help identify, reach, motivate, and satisfy customers. The course includes both the strategic perspective and the tactical execution of the 4 Ps-place, price, product, and promotion. Students will learn about the breadth of what marketers do to facilitate exchange between buyers and sellers and about the quantitative analysis that supports those exchanges. Credit not granted for this course and BCOR 2400, BCOR 2001.
  • MBAX 6330 - Market Intelligence
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Market Intelligence is a decision-oriented course geared toward gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about markets and customers. Students learn how to: define the marketing problem and determine what information is needed to make the decision; acquire trustworthy and relevant data and judge its quality; analyze the data and acquire the necessary knowledge to make certain classic types of marketing decisions.
  • MKTG 3350 - Marketing Research and Analytics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Fall 2021
    Explores fundamental techniques of data collection and analysis used to solve marketing problems. Specific topics include problem definition, planning an investigation, developing questionnaires, sampling, tabulation, interpreting results, and preparing and presenting a final report. Required for marketing majors. .
  • MKTG 6950 - Master's Thesis
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Fall 2021
  • MKTG 7835 - Marketing Strategy
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    Examine theories of marketing strategy emanating from economics, sociology, psychology, strategy and organizational sciences, as well as marketing. Levels of analysis for studying marketing strategy research will include the individual, dyadic, group, firm, interorganizational and industry levels. Examines methods for doing marketing strategy research, including experiments, quasi-experiments, surveys, qualitative data and secondary data.


awards and honors

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