Decorrelated state estimation for distributed tracking of interacting targets in cluttered environments
Conference Proceeding
Decorrelated state estimation for distributed tracking using multiple sensors in cluttered environments
Conference Proceeding
Decorrelating the power spectrum of galaxies
Journal Article
Decorrelating wireless sensor network traffic to inhibit traffic analysis attacks
Journal Article
Decoupled Recommender Systems: Exploring Alternative Recommender Ecosystem Designs
Conference Proceeding
Decoupling density from tallness in analysing the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of cities
Journal Article
Decoupling of anammox and denitrification in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific during glacial terminations
Conference Proceeding
Decoupling of magnetism and electric transport in single-crystal (Sr1-xAx)2lrO4 (A = Ca or Ba)
Journal Article
Decoupling of modern shortening rates, climate, and topography in the Caucasus
Journal Article
Decoupling of static and dynamic criticality in a driven Mott insulator
Journal Article
Decoupling of the antiferromagnetic and insulating states in Tb-doped Sr2IrO4
Journal Article
Decoupling of U-Pb dates from chemical and crystallographic domains in granulite facies zircon
Journal Article
Decoupling Optical Response and Photochemical Formation of Singlet Oxygen in Size Isolated Fractions of Ozonated Dissolved Organic Matter
Journal Article
Decoupling Solar Variability and Instrument Trends Using the Multiple Same-Irradiance-Level (MuSIL) Analysis Technique
Journal Article
Decoupling the effects of food and density on life-history plasticity of wild animals using field experiments: Insights from the steward who sits in the shadow of its tail, the North American red squirrel
Journal Article
Decoupling the Impact of Entanglements and Mobility on the Failure Properties of Ultrathin Polymer Films
Journal Article
Decrease in force steadiness with aging is associated with increased power of the common but not independent input to motor neurons
Journal Article
Decreased arterial PO2, not O2 content, increases blood flow through intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses at rest
Journal Article
Decreased arterial baroreflex sensitivity with age: a novel measurement approach
Journal Article
Decreased Arterial PO2, not O-2 Content, Increases Blood Flow Through Intrapulmonary Arteriovenous Anastomoses at Rest
Conference Proceeding
Decreased calcification in the Southern Ocean over the satellite record
Journal Article
Decreased FGF8 signaling causes deficiency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in humans and mice
Journal Article
Decreased Firing of Striatal Neurons Related to Licking during Acquisition and Overtraining of a Licking Task
Journal Article
Decreased insulin-receptor signaling promotes the autophagic degradation of beta-amyloid pepticle in C. elegans. (vol 3, pg 569, 2007)
Journal Article
Decreased insulin-receptor signaling promotes the autophagic degradation of β-amyloid peptide in C-elegans
Journal Article
Decreased intrinsic heart rate and beta-adrenergic responsiveness contribute to the decline in maximal heart rate with human aging
Journal Article
Decreased maximal heart rate with aging is related to reduced β-adrenergic responsiveness but is largely explained by a reduction in intrinsic heart rate
Journal Article
Decreased muscle activity explains the reduced metabolic energy consumption while hopping with and exoskeleton
Conference Proceeding
Decreased muscle activity explains the reduced metabolic energy consumption while hopping with and exoskeleton
Conference Proceeding
Journal Article