Willing to Pay? A Reasonable Choice Approach
Winds from the North: Tewa Origins and Historical Anthropology
Wissen, Erzählen Narrative der Humanwissenschaften
Woeful Afflictions
Women and the Cuban Insurrection How Gender Shaped Castro's Victory
Women and the Cuban Insurrection How Gender Shaped Castro's Victory
Women of the Storm: Civic Activism after Hurricane Katrina
Women’s science: Learning and succeeding from the margins
Wondrous Brutal Fictions
Working with a changing climate, not against it: Hydro-meteorological disaster risk reduction: A survey of lessons learned for resilient adaptation to a changing climate
World Population and U.S. Policy: The Choices Ahead
Worldwide wireless communications
Writers at Work: Strategies for Communicating in Business and Professional Settings
Writing Anthropology Essays on Craft and Commitment
Writing Surfaces: Selected Fiction of John Riddell
Wrong for the Right Reasons
Wronged and Dangerous Viral Masculinity and the Populist Pandemic
Wspoɫdziaɫanie podsystemów w strukturze języka.
Wstep do jezykoznawstwa afrykanskiego
You can make it back
Young People’s Transitions into Creative Work Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
Your Death Would Be Mine: Paul and Marie Pireaud in the Great War
Youth Activism in an Era of Education Inequality
Zero Tolerance
Zombie Bake-Off
Zombie Sharks with Metal Teeth
Zooplankton Community Analysis
Zwarte gaten in het heelal
Μπαίνοντας στην Εικόνα οι Λέξεις [When Words Enter the Picture; in Greek]. Nicosia: Visual Artists Association EI.KA, 2017. (Book proposal selected after competitive open call issued by the Visual Artists Association in 2016. The call asked for book proposals that addressed Cypriot art. My book is based on primary research (recorded and transcribed artist interviews and studio visits) that I carried out in Cyprus in 2016 and 2017. The book includes selected excerpts of the transcribed conversations, which revolve around the issue of artistic process and the relationship between making, thinking, and articulation. I edited all conversation excerpts in collaboration with the interviewed artists. The conversations are accompanied by texts I wrote that further address some of the issues raised. These texts refer to and quote sources that have not been published in Greek, such as several texts within art theory, philosophy, and feminist theory. As such, I translated all of the quotes I used from English to Greek. Moreover, I approached the book partly as a creative project and, thus, designed the cover and all the text and image layout. The book was funded in part by a grant awarded to the Visual Artists Association by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture.)
Англицизмы и американизмы в русском языке и отношение к ним