Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Toward an Information Systems Ontology
- Toward an Integrated View of Management Control of Foreign Sourcing Relationships.
- Toward an outcomes-based approach to RDM: Experiences from the CU Boulder Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship
- Toward Automated Feedback on Teacher Discourse to Enhance Teacher Learning
- Toward Better Water Transfers in Colorado and Cumulative Cost Avoidance
- Toward Better Water Transfers in Colorado and Cumulative Cost Avoidance
- Toward Creating a General Ontology for Research Validity
- Toward Cultural Bias Evaluation Datasets: The Case of Bengali Gender, Religious, and National Identity
- Toward Effective Multimodal Interaction in Augmented Reality
- Toward Estimating User-Social Event Distance: Mobility, Content, and Social Relationship
- Toward Everyday Gaze Input: Accuracy and Precision of Eye Tracking and Implications for Design
- Toward Fully Automated Person-Independent Detection of Mind Wandering
- Toward Governance Best Practices for Open Educational Resources
- Toward Human-Like Robot Learning
- Toward In Vivo Mobility
- Toward Integrated Global to Local Flood monitoring
- Toward Interdisciplinary Space Weather Curriculum for High School Physics: Designing at the Intersection of Physics, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering
- Toward Model Free Atmospheric Sensing by Aerial Robot Networks in Strong Wind Fields
- Toward more accurate force fields through direct chemical perception
- Toward More Inclusive and Accessible Futures of Remote Work Using a Feminist Geographical Lens
- Toward nanoscale rotoelectronics: A trigonal array of dipolar molecular rotors
- Toward Natural Language Semantic Sensing in Dynamic State Spaces
- Toward Predicting Success and Failure in CS2: A Mixed-Method Analysis
- Toward Privacy-Enhancing Ambulatory-Based Well-Being Monitoring: Investigating User Re-Identification Risk in Multimodal Data
- Toward semi-autonomous prosthetic hand control: applying embedded neural networks to improve sensor fusion in prosthetic fingertip sensors
- Toward singlet fission for excitonic solar cells
- Toward structurally-integrated locally resonant metamaterials for vibration attenuation
- Toward the Complete Characterization and Mitigation of the Earth Impact Risk by 2050
- Toward the Validation of a Novel Measure of Individuals’ Influence During Team Collaborations
- Toward Ultrafast Optical Waveform Synthesis with a Stabilized Ti:Sapphire Frequency Comb