Conference Proceeding RDF
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- The effects of sex and growth rate on variation in nestling telomere length
- The effects of sleep inertia on auditory psychomotor vigilance and working memory
- The effects of spaceflight and insulin-like growth factor-1 on the T-cell and macrophage populations
- The Effects of Spatial Cognition on Individual Wayfinding Performance
- The Effects of Stiffness and Power of an Ankle-foot Prosthesis on Metabolic Power During Walking
- The Effects of Surface Topography Control Using Liquid Crystal Elastomers on Bodies in Flow
- The Effects of Vehicle-to-Grid Systems on Wind Power Integration in California
- The Effects of Wind Veer During the Morning and Evening Transitions
- The Efficacy of Path Loss Models for Fixed Rural Wireless Links
- The Efficacy of VR as a Countermeasure for Astronaut Motion Sickness in Post-Flight Water Landings
- The Emergence of ICTs for Developing Countries: Using Dramatistic Analysis to Identify the Heroes and Villains.
- The Emergence of Online Widescale Interaction in Unexpected Events: Assistance, Alliance & Retreat
- The Emirates Exploration Imager Onboard the Emirates Mars Mission: Overview of On-Orbit Science Operations, In-Flight Performance, and Initial Results of Water Ice Cloud Retrievals
- The Energy Pinax: Examining Energy Modeling and the Architectural Design Process
- The Engineer as Political Decision Maker and Political Leader
- The Environment as a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Relationship Management in Public Relations
- The environmental dimensions of rural outmigration in South Africa: Will climate change constrain livelihood options
- The era of coherent optical frequency references
- The ESCAPE Mission Overview: Exploring the Stellar Drivers of Exoplanet Habitability
- The Essentials of Breathing
- The estimation the Great Lakes net basin supply: implications for water level fluctuations
- The etiology and remediation of phonologically based word recognition and spelling disabilities: Are phonological deficits the ''hole'' story?
- The etiology of reading: A nuclear twin family design study in twin children and their parents
- The etiology of risky sexual behavior
- The ETL's transportable lower troposphere ozone lidar and its applications in air quality studies
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission: Synergistic Science to Investigate Habitability
- The European photoreactor EUPHORE: A technical description
- The EUV variability experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA solar dynamics observatory (SDO)