Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Secondary Phonetic Cues in the Production of the Nasal Short-a System in California English
- Section Playing with the Colorado Symphony Horns. This was a 1 hour clinic about the roles of each part in the horn section. Available for the entire symposium, this was a pre-recorded video submission.
- Secure code distribution in dynamically programmable wireless sensor networks
- Secure-by-Construction Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Systems under Linear Temporal Logic Specifications
- Secure-by-Construction Optimal Path Planning for Linear Temporal Logic Tasks
- Security and Privacy in a Sensor-Based Search and Rescue System
- Security Considerations for Galois Non-dual RLWE Families
- Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity are associated with Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality in Postmenopausal Women
- Sediment redistribution following marsh-edge erosion and resuspension: Implications for Biogeochemistry
- Sediment transport in coastal environments: Advances in numerical modeling and applications to interdisciplinary problems
- Seed endophytes associated with dominant plants in the alpine tundra in Colorado
- Seeding change: The challenges of transfer and transformation of educational practice and research in physics (Part I)
- Seedling: Building and using a seed corpus for the human language project
- Seeing quantum mechanics: The role of quantum experiments
- Seeing the Light: A Phylogenomic Perspective on the Origin of Photosymbiosis in Marine Bivalves
- Seeing the Light: Evolution of Photosymbiosis in Marine Cockles
- Seeing the Light: Evolution of Photosymbiosis in Marine Cockles
- Seeing the Snow Through the Trees: Toward a Validated Canopy Adjustment for Satellite Snow-Covered Area
- Seeing Through: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Virtual Reality (Creative project accepted and presented).
- Seeking Engineering Undergraduates for K-12 STEM Teacher Licensure: Fuels the Soul or Too Many Barriers? (Research to Practice)
- Segment-based injection attacks against collaborative filtering recommender systems
- Segmentation of Colour Layers in Historical Maps Based on Hierarchical Colour Sampling
- Segregation effects in granular collapses
- Seismic Anisotropy of Mafic Blueschists: Constraints from Exhumed Glaucophane-Rich Blueschists with Implications for the Subduction Interface
- Seismic earth pressure studies on a cantilever retaining wall by centrifuge modeling
- Seismic Evaluation of an Older Concrete Moment Frame Building
- Seismic Evaluation of Older Concrete Frame, Frame-wall, and Bearing Wall Buildings for Collapse Potential-ATC 78
- Seismic modeling with radial basis function-generated finite differences (RBF-FD)
- Seismic Performance Assessment of HSR Bridges through Structural Simulation and Testing