Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Real-Time Universal Synthetic Transmit Aperture Beamforming with Retrospective Encoding for Conventional Ultrasound Sequences (REFoCUS)
- Real-Time, Automatic Animal Tracking Using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
- Real-time, patient-adaptive ultrasonic intensity adjustment: Hepatic imaging observations
- Real-world Examples and Sociotechnical Integration: What's the Connection?
- Real-world Examples and Sociotechnical Integration: What's the Connection?
- Reality and Perception of Copyright Terms of Service for Online Content Creation
- Reality-based interaction
- Reality-based interaction
- Reality-Based Interaction: A Framework for Post-WIMP Interfaces
- RealitySketch
- RealitySketch: Embedding Responsive Graphics and Visualizations in AR through Dynamic Sketching
- Realization of Ultra-Wideband Bistatic Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Antenna System
- Realizing high refractive index materials from thiol-X polymers: A general synthetic strategy
- Realizing UTC(NIST) at a remote location
- Realtime Simulation-in-the-Loop Control for Agile Ground Vehicles
- Reappropriating Hackathons: The Production Work of the CHI4Good Day of Service
- REASON-RECOURSE Software for Science Operations of Autonomous Robotic Landers
- Reasoning about cases with diagrams
- Reasoning about Uncertainties in Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems using Polynomial Forms
- Reasoning from multiple texts: An automatic analysis of readers' situation models
- ReAssert: Suggesting Repairs for Broken Unit Tests
- Rebirthing Environmental Religion: Photography, the Landscape, and the Construction of Nature.
- Reboot: Should Organizations Rediscover Communication with Internal & External Stakeholders?
- Rebuilding L'Aquila following the 2009 earthquake: Priorities and perspectives
- Receding horizon control under uncertainty using optimal input design and the unscented transform
- Receding Time Horizon Control Using Random Search for UAV Navigation with Passive, Non-cooperative Sensing
- Receiver measured time in the VDL Mode 4 system
- Recent advances in femtosecond laser technology: Capabilities and limits
- Recent advances in finite element templates