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- Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics Conference
- Proceedings of the NZSEE Conference. Christchurch: New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Conference
- Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference Conference
- Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Educational Data Min- ing Conference
- Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP Conference
- Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access Conference
- Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science (NLP+CSS 2024) Conference
- Proceedings of the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference Conference
- Proceedings of the The 6th Workshop on Narrative Understanding Conference
- Proceedings of the Third Conference in Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Conference
- Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2022, Conference
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP) Conference
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP Conference
- Proceedings of the World Conference in Earthquake Engineering Conference
- Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on ICOLS 2007 Conference
- Proceedings of the XXVI international conference on high energy physics Conference
- Proceedings of XIV Durability of Materials and Components (DBMC) Conference, Ghent, Belgium. Conference
- Proceeedings of the 15th International Educational Data Mining Conference Conference
- Proceeedings of the 15th International Educational Data Mining Conference (EDM 22). ( Conference
- Program No. PSTR574.22. 2023 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Society for Neuroscience Conference
- Programming '19: Companion of the 3rd International Conference on Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming Conference
- Progress in Electromag-netics Research (PIERS) Conference
- Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) Conference
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium Conference
- Propagation Conference (LAPC) Conference
- Protection and Restoration of the Environment XIV Conference
- PSCI 1101 - Introduction to American Politics Course
- PSCI 2004 - Survey of Western Political Thought Course
- PSCI 2012 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Course
- PSCI 2075 - Quantitative Research Methods Course