Title IX's Protections for Transgender Student Athletes
Journal Article
TL; DR: longer sections of text increase rates of unintentional mind-wandering
Journal Article
TL;DR: longer sections of text increase rates of unintentional mind-wandering
Journal Article
TLR4 Methylation Moderates the Relationship Alcohol Use Severity and Gray Matter Loss
Journal Article
TMEM106B Fibrils from FTLD Patients and Healthy Controls
Journal Article
TMEM132A ensures mouse caudal neural tube closure and regulates integrin-based mesodermal migration
Journal Article
TMEM132A, a Novel Wnt Signaling Pathway Regulator Through Wntless (WLS) Interaction
Journal Article
TNF-alpha blockade by a dimeric TNF type I receptor molecule selectively inhibits adaptive immune responses
Journal Article
TNF-alpha-induced corticosterone elevation but not serum protein or corticosteroid binding globulin reduction is vagally mediated
Journal Article
To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity
Journal Article
To Argos: Archaeological Survey in the Western Argolid
Conference Proceeding
To average or not to average: Analysis of surface EMG and the control of rapid limb movements
Journal Article
To be a writer
Journal Article
To be applied or not to be applied, that isn't even the question; but wherefore art thou, applied communication researcher? Reclaiming applied communication research and redefining the role of the researcher
Journal Article
To Be(come) Young, Gay, and Black: Lorraine Hansberry’s Existentialist Routes to Anticolonialism
Journal Article
To Belong: Feeling "At Home" and Support for Democracy
Journal Article
Journal Article
To cause or not to cause? That is the question, but identical twins might not have all of the answers
Journal Article
To deal with antifa, designate it a street gang
Scholarly Edition
To Disclose or Not to Disclose: An Evaluation of the Effects of Information Control and Social Network Transparency
Journal Article
To do or to have? That is the question
Journal Article
To Earmark or to Nonearmark? The Role of Control, Transparency, and Warm-Glow
Journal Article
To establish peace: Being the chronicle of later Han for the years 189 to 220 AD as recorded in Chapters 59 to 69 of the 'Zizhi Tongjian' of Sima Guang
Journal Article
To every thing there is a season: Breast milk, infant growth, and birth seasonality in rural Gambia
Conference Proceeding
To fix or to heal: patient care, public health, and the limits of biomedicine
Journal Article
To form or not to form a reaction complex: exploring ion-molecule reactions between C3H4 isomers and Xe+ and O2+
Journal Article
To free, or not to free: Social reinforcement effects in the social release paradigm with rats
Journal Article
To grant you an edge. Part 3. Considerations for writing competitive research career development proposals in the biomedical sciences
Journal Article
To grant you an edge: Part 1. General strategies for writing competitive biomedical research proposals
Journal Article
To grant you an edge: Part 2. Tactical tips for addressing specific aspects of biomedical research proposals
Journal Article