Taxation of Labor Income and the Demand for Risky Assets
Journal Article
Taxation, redistribution and regulation: fiscal policy in a changing world economy
Conference Proceeding
Taxing America: Wilbur D. Mills, congress, and the state 1945-1975
Journal Article
Taxing the development structure of open source communities: An information processing view
Journal Article
Taxonomic and environmental distribution of bacterial amino acid auxotrophies
Journal Article
Taxonomic and Functional Compositions Impacted by the Quality of Metatranscriptomic Assemblies
Journal Article
Taxonomic and genomic attributes of oligotrophic soil bacteria
Journal Article
Journal Article
Taxonomic composition, paleoecology and biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous diatoms from Devon Island, Nunavut, Canadian High Arctic
Journal Article
Taxonomic delimitation of the rare, eastern North American endemic lichen Santessoniella crossophylla (Pannariaceae)
Journal Article
Taxonomic harmonization may reveal a stronger association between diatom assemblages and total phosphorus in large datasets
Journal Article
Taxonomic identification of Madagascar's free-ranging "forest cats"
Journal Article
Taxonomic notes and typification of the diatoms described by C. Montagne
Journal Article
Taxonomic Novelties in Namibian Ruellia (Acanthaceae)
Journal Article
Taxonomic Revision of Ruellia Section Chiropterophila (Acanthaceae): a Lineage of Rare and Endemic Species from Mexico
Journal Article
Taxonomic studies of the centric diatom from the lake Changhai, Jiuhaigou Valley, China, including the description of a new species.
Journal Article
Taxonomic studies of the diatom genus Halamphora (Bacillariophyceae) from the mountainous regions of southwest China, including the description of two new species
Journal Article
Taxonomic, anatomical, and spatio-temporal variations in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of plants from an African savanna
Journal Article
Taxonomical developments in the family Polyomaviridae
Journal Article
Taxonomy and biogeography of some Surirella Turpin (Bacillariophyceae) taxa from Peninsular India
Journal Article
Taxonomy and distribution of diatoms on the Turkish Mediterranean Coast, Dalyan (Mugla)
Journal Article
Taxonomy and nomenclature of some members within the Obtusae section of Nitzschia Hassall (Bacillariophyceae) including descriptions of two new species
Journal Article
Taxonomy and ultrastructure of five naviculoid diatoms (class Bacillariophyceae) from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado (USA), with the description of a new genus and four new species
Journal Article
Taxonomy and valve morphology of Humidophila species (Bacillariophyceae) from aerophilous habitats in northeastern Argentina, with the description of four new species
Journal Article
Taxonomy and valve ultrastructure of new and interesting freshwater fossil diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of Miocene age from the Espanola Formation of New Mexico, USA II. Description of a New Grunowia species with comments on the genus
Journal Article
Taxonomy and Valve Ultrastructure of New and Interesting Freshwater Fossil Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of Miocene age from the Espanola Formation of New Mexico, USA. I. Ontogeny of Tetracyclus stelloides sp. nov., with Comments on 'Accepted Names' and Hustedt's Concepts of 'Convergence' and 'Miserable Forms'
Journal Article
Journal Article
Taxonomy of Knowledge Requirements for Construction Executives
Journal Article
Taxonomy of purposes, methods, and recommendations for vulnerability analysis
Journal Article
Taxonomy of three new Neidium Pfitzer species of the Arapiuns and Tapajos Rivers Basin (Santarem, Para, Brazil)
Journal Article