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- Supplementary material to "Organic nitrate aerosol formation via NO3 + BVOC in the Southeastern US" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Organic peroxy radical chemistry in oxidation flow reactors and environmental chambers and their atmospheric relevance" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Organic photolysis reactions in tropospheric aerosols: effect on secondary organic aerosol formation and lifetime" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Overcoming barriers to enable convergence research by integrating ecological and climate sciences: The NCAR-NEON system Version 1" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Overview of the Manitou Experimental Forest Observatory: site description and selected science results from 2008–2013" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Pan-Arctic seasonal cycles and long-term trends of aerosol properties from ten observatories" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Pan-Arctic surface ozone: modelling vs measurements" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Parameterization retrieval of trace gas volume mixing ratios from; airborne MAX-DOAS" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Parameterizations of US wildfire and prescribed fire emission ratios and emission factors based on FIREX-AQ aircraft measurements" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Performance of a new co-axial ion-molecule reaction region for low-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry with reduced instrument wall interactions" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Persistent growth of anthropogenic NMVOC emissions in China; during 1990–2017: dynamics, speciation, and ozone formation; potentials" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Phase state of ambient aerosol linked with water uptake and chemical aging in the Southeastern US" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Photochemical Evolution of the 2013 California Rim Fire: Synergistic Impacts of Reactive Hydrocarbons and Enhanced Oxidants" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Physicochemical uptake and release of volatile organic compounds by soil in coated-wall flow tube experiments with ambient air" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Predictions of the glass transition temperature and viscosity of organic aerosols by volatility distributions" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Primary emissions of glyoxal and methylglyoxal from laboratory; measurements of open biomass burning" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Radiative and chemical implications of the size and composition of aerosol particles in the existing or modified global stratosphere" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Rain-on-Snow (ROS) Understudied in Sea Ice Remote Sensing: A Multi-Sensor Analysis of ROS during MOSAiC" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Reactive uptake coefficients for multiphase reactions determined by a dynamic chamber system" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Real-time measurements of secondary organic aerosol formation and aging from ambient air in an oxidation flow reactor in the Los Angeles area" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Reconciling the surface temperature–surface mass balance relationship in models and ice cores in Antarctica over the last two centuries" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Relative importance of gas uptake on aerosol and ground surfaces characterized by equivalent uptake coefficients" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Relative terrestrial exposure ages inferred from meteoric 10Be and NO3− concentrations in soils along the Shackleton Glacier, Antarctica" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Representing life in the Earth system with soil microbial functional traits in the MIMICS model" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Rescuing historical weather observations improves quantification of severe windstorm risks" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Resolution dependence of uncertainties in gridded emission; inventories: a case study in Hebei, China" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Resolving temperature limitation on spring productivity in an evergreen conifer forest using a model-data fusion framework" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Response of biological productivity to North Atlantic marine front migration during the Holocene" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Rethinking the global secondary organic aerosol (SOA) budget: stronger production, faster removal, shorter lifetime" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Revision of the WMO/GAW CO2 Calibration Scale" Journal Article