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- IPHY 6940 - Master's Candidate for Degree Course
- IPHY 6950 - Master's Thesis Course
- IPHY Undergraduate Research Symposium Conference
- IPHY Undergraduate Research Symposium. Conference
- IPPW workshop Conference
- iPRES 2016, the 13th International Conference on Digital Preservation Conference
- IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference
- IS-Atlanta 2018 Conference
- ISARRA 2018, International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Conference
- ISEE/ISEA 2006 Conference Conference
- ISI- Training Workshop, River Basin Sediment Monitoring and Management. Conference
- ISLS Conference
- ISLS Annual Meeting 2021 Conference
- ISPRS Geospatial Week Conference
- ISS '19: Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference
- ISSAC 2000 Conference
- ISSI Workshop on Observing and Modeling Earth's Energy Flows Conference
- ISSTA '11: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis Conference
- ISSTA '12: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis Conference
- ISSTA '13: Iitsnternational Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis Conference
- ITAL 1010 - Beginning Italian 1 Course
- ITAL 1020 - Beginning Italian 2 Course
- ITAL 1050 - Fast-Track Italian Course
- ITAL 1300 - La Dolce Vita: How to Live a Good Life, Italian Style Course
- ITAL 1350 - Introduction to Social Change in the Arts Course
- ITAL 1400 - Sexuality and Gender Wars in Italy and France Course
- ITAL 1500 - That's Amore: Introduction to Italian Culture Course
- ITAL 1550 - The Power of Fairy Tales in Italy and France Course
- ITAL 2110 - Intermediate Italian Reading, Grammar, and Composition 1 Course