Stable Isotope Constraints on Marine Productivity Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
Journal Article
Stable isotope data from bonobo (Pan paniscus) faecal samples from the Lomako Forest Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Journal Article
Stable isotope ecology of modern micromammals from the Sterkfontein Valley: Implications for habitat reconstruction in mosaic environments
Conference Proceeding
Stable isotope evidence for impala Aepyceros melampus diets at Akagera National Park, Rwanda
Journal Article
Stable isotope evidence for nutritional stress, competition, and loss of functional habitat as factors limiting recovery of rare antelope in southern Africa
Journal Article
Stable isotope evidence for trophic niche partitioning in a South African savanna rodent community
Journal Article
Stable isotope measurements confirm volatile organic compound oxidation as a ; major urban summertime source of carbon monoxide in Indianapolis, USA
Journal Article
Stable isotope series from elephant ivory reveal lifetime histories of a true dietary generalist
Journal Article
Stable isotope turnover and variability in tail hairs of captive and free-ranging African elephants (Loxodonta africana) reveal dietary niche differences within populations
Journal Article
Stable isotopes (C-13 and N-15) track socioeconomic differences among urban Colombian women
Journal Article
Stable Isotopes (Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulfur), Diet, and Anthropometry in Urban Colombian Women: Investigating Socioeconomic Differences
Journal Article
Stable isotopes (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur), diet, and anthropometry in urban Colombian women: investigating socioeconomic differences.
Journal Article
Stable isotopes and socioeconomic differences among urban Colombian women: additional insights from S-34
Journal Article
Stable isotopes and socioeconomic differences among urban Colombian women: preliminary analysis of dietary data
Journal Article
Stable Isotopes Constrain Water Seepage From Gnammas Into Bare Granitic Bedrock
Journal Article
Stable isotopes in benthic foraminiferal calcite from a river-influenced Arctic marine environment, Kara and Pechora Seas
Journal Article
Stable isotopes in fossil hominin tooth enamel suggest a fundamental dietary shift in the Pliocene
Journal Article
Stable Isotopes of Nitrate, Sulfate, and Carbonate in Soils From the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: A Record of Atmospheric Deposition and Chemical Weathering
Journal Article
Journal Article
Stable isotopes provide revised global limits of aerobic methane emissions from plants
Journal Article
Stable isotopic analysis of atmospheric methane by infrared spectroscopy by use of diode laser difference-frequency generation
Journal Article
Stable isotopic composition of deep-sea gorgonian corals Primnoa spp.:: a new archive of surface processes
Journal Article
Stable isotopic evidence for mixing between metamorphic fluids and surface-derived waters during recent uplift of the Southern Alps, New Zealand
Journal Article
Stable isotopic signature of dissimilatory nitrate reduction is robust against enzyme mutation
Journal Article
Stable isotopic variations in west China: A consideration of moisture sources
Journal Article
Stable Kerr Solitons for Optical-Frequency Synthesis and Direct Frequency-Comb Atomic Spectroscopy
Conference Proceeding
Stable laser system for probing the clock transition at 578 nm in neutral ytterbium
Conference Proceeding
Stable Lithium Deposition Using a Self-Optimizing Solid Electrolyte Composite
Journal Article
Stable metal-organic frameworks containing single-molecule traps for enzyme encapsulation
Journal Article
Stable Mode Locking of Micro Resonator Frequency Combs
Conference Proceeding