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- 2016 Early Identifying vestibular disorders in children who are deaf or hard of hearing Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Early Identifying vestibular disorders in children who are deaf or hard of hearing Conference Proceeding
- 2016 EHDI System Self-Assessment using JCIH Early Intervention Recommendations: Conference Proceeding
- 2016 FCEI Follow-up Survey on FCEI Principles and Practices Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Hearing aids accommodations across different world languages Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Implementation Science and Translation Research: How the research informs Early Intervention Practices for Families and Children who are deaf or hard of hearing Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Inter-professional Education: Developing Unified Competencies for Early Childhood Intervention across Professional Disciplines Conference Proceeding
- 2016 International concensus on best practice in family-centered early intervention: From philosophy to reality Conference Proceeding
- 2016 International consensus on best practice in family-centered early intervention: From philosophy to reality Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Intervencion temprana y desarollo del lenguaje en ninos hipoacusicos (con audifonos y implante coclear). Early intervention and language therapy for children who are deaf or hard of hearing with hearing aids and cochlear implants. Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Introducing LENA SP for Special Populations: Specifically Designed for Early Intervention with Families and Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Conference Proceeding
- 2016 LENA in Intervention Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Lengua de senas y lenguaje oral, complementos en la communicacion. Sign language and spoken language, supporting communication Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Mode of communication in early intervention programs Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Modelo de rehabilitacion Centro U. Colorado; Intervention model from the state of Colorado Conference Proceeding
- 2016 New information about how early-identified children who are deaf or hard of hearing acquire listening and auditory skill development Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Ninos con hipoacusia progresiva. Children with progressive hearing loss. Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Ninos con neuropatia auditiva identificada en tamizaje universal. Children with auditory neuropathy identified through universal newborn hearing screening. Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Programas de educacion y formacion que han tenido exito en los Estados Unidos. Educational and training programs that have succeeded in the United States Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Resiliency of Families who have children who are deaf or hard of hearing Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Special populations: Unilateral hearing loss, auditory neuropathy/dyssynchrony, non-English speaking homes Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Supplement to the JCIH 2007 Position Statement: Principles and Guidelines for Early Intervention Following Confirmation That a Child Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Tamizaje auditivo neonatal universal, por que is importante? Why is universal newborn hearing screening important? Conference Proceeding
- 2016 The intersection of pragmatic language development and theory of mind Conference Proceeding
- 2016 The Evolution of a Revolution: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Conference Proceeding
- 2016 The Evolution of a Revolution: Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Conference Proceeding
- 2016 The relationship between language and social skills of deaf and hard of hearing children across 14 US states Conference Proceeding
- 2016 The Role of Audiologists in Referral to Early Intervention Services Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Tools for Promoting Quality Care of Every Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child and Their Families Conference Proceeding
- 2016 Towards a new Model for the Deaf Infusion of Leadership in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Services Conference Proceeding