Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Laboratory Demonstration of Retroactive Influence in a Digital System
- Laboratory experiments relating to noctilucent clouds
- Laboratory investigation of the effect of surface roughness on photoemission from surfaces in space
- Laboratory Measurements of Hypervelocity Micrometeoroid Impacts into Frozen Water and Arginine Targets
- Laboratory Measurements of Micrometeoroid Impacts into Solid Ice and Gas Ablation Targets
- Laboratory studies of gas phase ion chemistry relevant to the interstellar medium
- Laboratory studies of petal-shaped occulters
- Laboratory study of hyper-elocity impact-driven chemical reactions and surface evolution in icy targets
- Laboratory study of hyper-elocity impact-driven chemical reactions and surface evolution in icy targets
- Laboratory tests of the Large Area Mass Analyser
- Ladder Transformerless Stacked Active Bridge Converters
- LADEE Results: Implications for Exploration and Sciences
- Lagrangian Analysis of Enstrophy in Turbulent Premixed Flames
- Lagrangian analysis of premixed autoignition in compressible turbulence
- Lagrangian Analysis of Vorticity Dynamics in Turbulent Premixed Flames
- Lagrangian Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis of Highly Turbulent Premixed Flames
- LAMBDAFICATOR: From Imperative to Functional Programming through Automated Refactoring
- Laminated low cost rails and armatures for rail launchers
- Land-atmosphere interactions
- Landing Trajectories to Moons from the Unstable Invariant Manifolds of Periodic Libration Point Orbits
- Landlab: Sustainable software in practice
- Landpks: Mobile App for Participatory Soil Health Research, Innovation and Monitoring
- Landscape patterns of Native American ruins in the southwest: Identifying ancient Indian site selection with feng-shui
- Landscaping the Long-term: Water System and Irrigation Re-Visions for Sustainability
- Landslide, Earthquake and Cryosphere Studies Using High Resolution Digital Surface Models from Commercial Imagery and Drones
- Langmuir turbulence in space plasmas
- Language as Thought: Using Natural Language Processing to Model Noncognitive Traits that Predict College Success
- Lantana camara also uses lipids to make metallic blue fruit: a second origin of lipid-based structural color
- Large $N_c$ Thermodynamics with Dynamical Fermions