Chapter RDF
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- Young emergent bilinguals’ literate and languaging practices in story retelling
- Young People's Journeys Into Creative Work Challenges and Transitions Into the Workforce
- Youth activism in post-apartheid South Africa
- Youth creating disaster recovery and resilience in Canada and the United States
- Youth creating disaster recovery and resilience in Canada and the United States Dimensions of the male youth experience
- Youth curation as collective disruption: Making in museums during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Yuzanú 36: A Late Archaic Site in the Mixteca Alta
- Yuzanú 50: An Ephemeral Camp of the Younger Dryas in the Mixteca Alta
- Zapotec Empire
- Zonas de Contacto: A Digital Humanities Ecology of Knowledges
- Zorrilla’s Narrative Verse and the Deux ex Machina
- Zoshchenko, Mikhail
- ¡Es muy importante! Integrating Hispanics’ cultural values in the workplace to influence retention of Hispanic employees.
- ¡La lucha y conducción grupal! A workshop for youth members of a Nicaraguan Fair Trade coffee cooperative
- ¿Qué tan viejo es el Istmo de Panamá?
- Анализ мотивационных отношений в многозначных экспрессивноразговорных глаголах (The analysis of the motivational relations in expressive colloquial polysemous verbs).
- Восприятие современного молодежного сленга (Perception of Russian slang)
- Дискуссия и проблемы ��азвития речевых навыков (Discussion and the problem of developing speech habits).
- Некоторые особенности передачи русского просторечия на английский язык. На материале перевода стихотворений С.Есенина (Some peculiarities of translation of Russian slang into English (based on translation of S. Esenin's poems) T1 - Russian Studies
- Охота на снежниках Большого устона, Скалистые горы, США: деревянные древки, каменные наконечники и толстороги (ovis canadensi)
- Проблемы коммуникации между поколениями на востоке и западе (Problems of intergenerational communication in the East and West).
- Проблемы коммуникации между представителями разных поколений в современном русском языке (Problems of intergenerational communication in modern Russian language)
- कवि का न्याय
- 你所不知道的浮世繪:新聞浮世繪的暴���美學 [The Ukiyo-e You Don't Know: The Aesthetics of Violence in Ukiyo-e News Prints]
- 日本語版への序言 序 言――複雑なサブシステムからなる多様なシステム ; "Complex Systems in Complex Sub-systems"
- 沐浴在遥远的山村: 全球化,跨国资本和中国的现代化文化政策 [Bathing in the far village: globalization, transnational capital and the cultural politics of modernity in China]
- 細節的奢華感:欣賞和服之美 (The Luxurious Details: The Beauty of Kimono)
- “Teaching Unamuno’s Novels: Confrontation and Existence”.
- Energy Poverty and Affordable Sustainable Energy Technologies (ASETs