Falke, Joseph
Faller, James E
Professor Adjunct
Fang, Xiaohua
Research Associate
Fantalis, Maryanne
Teaching Assistant Professor
Farago, Claire
Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Farkas Roszell, Agnes
Assistant Teaching Professor
Farmer, G Lang
Farmer, James Clark
Assistant Teaching Professor
Farnsworth, John A
Associate Professor
Farr, Elizabeth G
Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Farrell, Caitlin Christine
Assoc Research Professor
Farrelly, Rai
Associate Teaching Professor
Farsi, Parvati Carla Emilia
Fasullo, John T
Research Associate
Fedrick, Kelvin Wade
Professional Research Asst
Fedrizzi, Mariangel
Research Associate
Feeler, Jordan
Teaching Assistant Professor
Fehsenfeld, Fred C
Research Associate
Fejer, Andras
Ralph E. and Barbara L. Christoffersen Faculty Fellow and Artist in Residence
Felderman, Melissa H
Assistant Teaching Professor
Feldkhun, Daniel Leibovich
Sr Research Associate
Feldman, Andrea
Teaching Professor
Felippa, Carlos A
Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Fell, Courtney Paige
IT Prgm Mgr
Feng, Zhichen
Fenn, Elizabeth
Professor Emerita/Emeritus
Ferguson, Michaele L.
Associate Professor
Ferguson, Virginia Lea
Professor and Hudson Moore Professor
Fernbach, Philip M
Associate Professor and Andrea and Michael Leeds Faculty Fellow
Ferrell, Tracy
Associate Teaching Professor