Academic Article RDF
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- Supplementary material to "The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation and El Niño–Southern Oscillation on mean and extreme values of column ozone over the United States" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF version 3.0" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The nitrogen budget of laboratory-simulated western U.S. wildfires during the FIREX 2016 FireLab study" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The NOx dependence of bromine chemistry in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The potential role of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in aerosol formation and growth and the associated radiative forcings" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The potential role of organics in new particle formation and initial growth in the remote tropical upper troposphere" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The role of tropical upwelling in explaining discrepancies between recent modeled and observed lower stratospheric ozone trends" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The topography contribution to the influence of the atmospheric boundary layer at high altitude stations" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "The utility of simulated ocean chlorophyll observations: a case study with the Chlorophyll Observation Simulator Package (version 1) in CESMv2.2" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Thermal dissociation cavity ring-down spectrometer (TD-CRDS) for detection of organic nitrates in gas and particle phase" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Thermodynamic and Kinematic Drivers of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Stability in the Central Arctic during MOSAiC" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Top-down estimate of surface flux in the Los Angeles Basin using a mesoscale inverse modeling technique: assessing anthropogenic emissions of CO, NOx and CO2 and their impacts" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Towards a satellite – in situ hybrid estimate for organic aerosol abundance" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Triggers of the 2022 Larsen B multi-year landfast sea ice break-out and initial glacier response" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Understanding sources of organic aerosol during CalNex-2010 using the CMAQ-VBS" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Urban influence on the concentration and composition of submicron particulate matter in central Amazonia" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Utilizing the Drake Passage Time-series to understand variability and change in subpolar Southern Ocean pCO2" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Validation of a new cavity ring-down spectrometer for measuring tropospheric gaseous hydrogen chloride" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Variations in Boundary Layer Stability Across Antarctica: A Comparison Between Coastal and Interior Sites" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Virtual mapping and analytical data integration: A teaching module using Precambrian crystalline basement in Colorado's Front Range (USA)" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Viscosities, diffusion coefficients, and mixing times of intrinsic fluorescent organic molecules in brown limonene secondary organic aerosol and tests of the Stokes-Einstein equation" Journal Article
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- Supplementary material to "Wintertime Aerosol Measurements during the Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Biomarker characterization of the North Water Polynya, Baffin Bay: Implications for local sea ice and temperature proxies" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Brief communication: Changing mid-twentieth century Antarctic sea ice variability linked to tropical forcing" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Comparison and evaluation of anthropogenic emissions of SO<sub>2</sub>; and NO<sub>x over China" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Fine particle pH and sensitivity to NH<sub>3</sub> and HNO<sub>3</sub> over summertime South Korea during KORUS-AQ" Journal Article
- Supplementary material to "Snow dune growth increases polar heat fluxes" Journal Article