Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai
Journal Article
Panel - measuring the impacts of project-based service learning in engineering education
Conference Proceeding
Conference Proceeding
Panel Discussion, A Discussion with Women Brass Pioneers
Conference Proceeding
Panel Presenter: “Lyric Intelligence and Embodied Criticality: Aporia, Blackness, and the Poetics of Non-resolution,” Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO June 12, 2018
Conference Proceeding
Panel session: future directions and challenges for Java implementations of numeric-intensive industrial applications
Journal Article
PANGAS: An Interdisciplinary Ecosystem-Based Research Framework for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Northern Gulf of California
Journal Article
Pangolins in peril: using local hunters knowledge to conserve elusive species in Vietnam
Journal Article
Panic and hypertension: brothers in arms through 5-HT?
Journal Article
Panmixia and high genetic diversity in a Humboldt Current endemic, the Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata)
Journal Article
Panorama: A Framework to Support Collaborative Context Monitoring on Co-located Mobile Devices
Conference Proceeding
Panoramic Energy-Mass Ion Spectrometer for the Phobos-Grunt Mission
Journal Article
Panoramic-reconstruction temporal imaging for seamless measurements of slowly-evolved femtosecond pulse dynamics
Journal Article
Paper and the poor: Romantic media ecologies and the Bank Restriction Act of 1797
Journal Article
Paper Machines
Conference Proceeding
Paper Mechatronics: a Design Case Study for a Young Medium
Conference Proceeding
Paper Mechatronics: Present and Future
Conference Proceeding
Paper Modular Robot: Circuit, Sensation Feedback, and 3D Geometry
Conference Proceeding
Paper presentation
Conference Proceeding
Papers of the thirty-fourth Algonquian conference
Journal Article
PAPILA dataset: a regional emission inventory of reactive gases for South America based on the combination of local and global information
Journal Article
Papillomavirus capsid protein expression in Escherichia coli: purification and assembly of HPV11 and HPV16 L1.
Journal Article
Papio brain and sulcal growth: A comparison with Macaca
Conference Proceeding
PAR and Embodiment: Dance, Corporeality, and the Body in Research
Journal Article
PAR-TERRA is the main contributor to telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcripts in normal and cancer mouse cells.
Journal Article
Para além do pensamento: um diálogo de entrelaçamentos meta-midiamísticos. Translated into Portuguese by Marcus Bastos
Journal Article
Para além do pensamento: um diálogo de entrelaçamentos meta-midiamísticos. Translated into Portuguese by Marcus Bastos.
Journal Article
Para bem esclarecer as gentes que ainda estão à espera: Mário-Henrique Leiria não teve filhos, mas tem herdeira!
Journal Article
Para uma discussão do lugar utópico: a Paságarada bandeiriana habitada por cabo-verdianos e portugueses
Journal Article
Journal Article