Multimodal imaging through a multimode fiber
Conference Proceeding
Multimodal modeling of collaborative problem-solving facets in triads
Journal Article
Multimodal nonlinear optical polarizing microscopy of long-range molecular order in liquid crystals
Journal Article
Multimodal observational assessment of quality and productivity benefits from the implementation of wireless technology for out of hours working
Journal Article
Multimodal operation of printed electrochemical transistors for sensing in controlled environment agriculture
Journal Article
Multimodal operator decision models
Conference Proceeding
Multimodal Physiological Models of Situation Awareness
Conference Proceeding
Multimodal quantification of degradation pathways during extreme fast charging of lithium-ion batteries
Journal Article
Multimodal reasoning for automatic model construction
Conference Proceeding
Multimodal Recognition of Diverse Peptides by the C-Terminal SH2 Domain of Phospholipase C-γ1 Protein
Journal Article
Multimodal semi-automated affect detection from conversational cues, gross body language, and facial features
Journal Article
Multimodal sensor fusion framework for residential building occupancy detection
Journal Article
Multimodal signalling in the North American barn swallow: a phenotype network approach
Journal Article
Multimodal tip-enhanced spectroscopy
Conference Proceeding
Multimodal x-ray and electron microscopy of the Allende meteorite
Journal Article
Multimodal, Multiparty Modeling of Collaborative Problem Solving Performance
Conference Proceeding
Multimodality and inclusion: Educator perceptions of physics simulation auditory display
Conference Proceeding
Multimodality Image Approach to Evaluate the Delivery and Impact of a Novel Imageable Hydrogel Post Myocardial Infarction
Conference Proceeding
Multimodality in Embodied Experience Design Workshop at INTERACT 2017, Mumbai, INDIA
Conference Proceeding
Multimode Digital Controller for Synchronous Buck Converters Operating Over Wide Ranges of Input Voltages and Load Currents
Journal Article
Multimode Process Monitoring Based on Switching Autoregressive Dynamic Latent Variable Model
Journal Article
Multimodel ensemble projection of precipitation in eastern China under A1B emission scenario
Journal Article
Multimodel simulations of a springtime dust storm over northeastern China: implications of an evaluation of four commonly used air quality models (CMAQ v5.2.1, CAMx v6.50, CHIMERE v2017r4, and WRF-Chem v3.9.1)
Journal Article
Multimodel simulations of carbon monoxide:: Comparison with observations and projected near-future changes
Journal Article
Multimorbidity and Mental Health Trajectories Among Middle-Aged and Older U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Findings From the COVID-19 Coping Study.
Journal Article
Multinational enterprises and trade theory
Conference Proceeding
Scholarly Edition
Multinational firms and the new trade theory
Journal Article
Multinational firms, location and trade
Journal Article
Multinational firms, technology diffusion and trade
Journal Article