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- JCDL01: 1st ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
- JFK & HCP LEND Webinar
- John Glenn Memorial Symposium,
- John L Junkins Astrodynamics Symposium
- Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Cislunar Security Conference
- Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) / 28th Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
- Joint 60th IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) / IEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC)
- Joint 8th CACGP/2nd IGAC Conference on Global Atmospheric Chemistry
- Joint ACM/IEEE COnference on Digital Libraries (JCDL-2011)
- Joint Annual Conference of the 30th Annual Meeting of the National-Society-of-Black-Physicists/4th Meeting of the National-Society-of-Hispanic-Physicists
- Joint Annual Meeting of the ASPET/BPS at Experimental Biology (EB)
- Joint Assembly of the AGU-CGU
- Joint Conference of 59th Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Computational-Linguistics (ACL) / 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP) / 6th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP)
- Joint Conference of the 33rd FEBS Congress/11th IUBMB Conference
- Joint Conference of the European-Frequency-and-Time-Forum / IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS)
- Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium / European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS)
- Joint Conference of the International-Geographical-Union/Institute-of-Australian-Geographers/New-Zealand-Geographical-Society
- Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
- Joint Conference on Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC)/International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC)
- Joint Conference on Ultrafast Optics V and Applications of High Field and Short Wavelength Sources XI
- Joint Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC) / International Cryogenic Materials Conference
- Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium/21st European Frequency and Time Forum
- Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Joint Life Sciences Meeting (CNES, ESA, ISGP)
- Joint Meeting of the 21st Meeting of the Italian-Group-of-Computational-Mechanics (GIMC) / 8th Meeting of the Materials-Group (GMA) of the Italian-Association-of-Theoretical-and-Applied-Mechanics
- Joint Meeting of the 23rd European Frequency and Time Forum/IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium
- Joint Meeting of the 7th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management/European Safety and Reliability Conference
- Joint meeting of the International Primatological Society and the American Society of Primatology
- Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research-Society-on-Alcoholism and the International-Society-for-Biomedical-Research-on-Alcoholism