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- Investigating the fear-reducing effects of controllable stress with a robust activity marking system. Conference Proceeding
- Investigating the genetic and environmental structure of Cloninger's personality dimensions in adolescence Journal Article
- Investigating the genetic and environmental structure of personality in older adulthood Journal Article
- Investigating the genetic and environmental structure of the TPQ in adolescence Journal Article
- Investigating the genetic architecture of noncognitive skills using GWAS-by-subtraction Journal Article
- Investigating the immunoregulatory potential of Mycobacterium vaccae (ATCC 15483) and closely related rapid-growing mycobacteria species Conference Proceeding
- Investigating the Impact of a Real-time, Multimodal Student Engagement Analytics Technology in Authentic Classrooms Conference Proceeding
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- Investigating the Impact of Wind Turbines on Distribution System Stability Conference Proceeding
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- Investigating the Life Situations and Development of Teenage Mothers' Children: Evidence from the ECLS-B Journal Article
- Investigating the Link Between Learning Progressions and Classroom Assessment Journal Article
- Investigating the linkage between professional development and mathematics instructors' use of teaching practices using the theory of planned behavior Journal Article
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- Investigating the Magnetic Imprints of Major Solar Eruptions with SDO/HMI High-cadence Vector Magnetograms Journal Article
- Investigating the Mechanical Failure Mechanisms of a Novel CFRP Composite to Inform Computational Models Conference Proceeding
- Investigating the mutation resistance of nonnucleoside inhibitors of HIV-RT using multiple microsecond atomistic simulations Journal Article
- Investigating the Occurrence of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities at Jupiter's Dawn Magnetopause Journal Article
- Investigating the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection at Jupiter's Dawn Magnetopause During the Juno Era Journal Article
- Investigating the photosynthetic apparatus of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by proximal probe microscopy Conference Proceeding
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- Investigating the physical mechanisms that modify wind plant blockage in stable boundary layers Journal Article
- Investigating the politics and content of US State artificial intelligence legislation Journal Article