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- Modeling the Transport of Nonthermal Particles in Flares Using Fokker-Planck Kinetic Theory Journal Article
- Modeling the two- and three-dimensional displacement field in Lorca, Spain, subsidence and the global implications Journal Article
- Modeling the uncoupled damage-healing behavior of self-healing cementitious material with phase-field method Journal Article
- Modeling the variability of Martian O+ ion escape due to Solar Wind forcing Journal Article
- Modeling the weekly cycle of NOx and CO emissions and their impacts on O3 in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin during the CalNex 2010 field campaign Journal Article
- Modeling the Winter Heat Conduction Through the Sea Ice System During MOSAiC Journal Article
- Modeling the WorldView-derived seasonal velocity evolution of Kennicott Glacier, Alaska Journal Article
- Modeling thermal and optical effects on photopolymerization systems Journal Article
- Modeling thermospheric neutral density waves and holes in response to high latitude forcing Journal Article
- Modeling TOC Breakthrough in Granular Activated Carbon Adsorbers Journal Article
- Modeling topographic and climatic control of east-west asymmetry in Sierra Nevada glacier length during the Last Glacial Maximum Journal Article
- Modeling Toroidal Currents in the Ionospheric Electrojet Regions Journal Article
- Modeling transient permeation of binary mixtures through zeolite membranes Journal Article
- Modeling transient permeation of polar organic mixtures through a MFI zeolite membrane using the Maxwell-Stefan equations Journal Article
- Modeling Transition Region Hot Loops on the Sun: The Necessity of Rapid, Complex Spatiotemporal Heating and Nonequilibrium Ionization Journal Article
- Modeling uncertainty in an object-oriented reservoir operations model Journal Article
- Modeling uncertainty in categorical fields Journal Article
- Modeling variability of plasma conditions in the Io torus Journal Article
- Modeling vital rates improves estimation of population projection matrices Journal Article
- Modeling Volatility-Based Aerosol Phase State Predictions in the Amazon Rainforest Journal Article
- Modeling water ice lifetimes at recent Martian gully locations Journal Article
- Modeling whole-tree carbon assimilation rate using observed transpiration rates and needle sugar carbon isotope ratios Journal Article
- Modeling wildfire potential in residential parcels: A case study of the north-central Colorado Front Range Journal Article
- Modeling with explicit spectral water and ice microphysics of a two-layer cloud system of altostratus and cirrus observed during the FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment Journal Article
- Modeling, analysis, and experimental study of in vivo wheeled robotic mobility Journal Article
- Modeling, design and tailoring of a tough, strong and stiff multilayered bone graft material Journal Article
- Modelled and measured concentrations of peroxy radicals and nitrate radical in the US Gulf Coast region during TexAQS 2006 Journal Article
- Modelli educativi nella letteratura per le ragazze nell'Ottocento Journal Article
- Modelling Z → ττ processes in ATLAS with τ-embedded Z → μμ data Journal Article
- Modelling and calibration of a high-mass historic building for reducing the prebound effect in energy assessment Journal Article